My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc. So why would the airline companies be spending all that money on extra fuel to keep the spherical Earth idea alive?
My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc.
A straight line on a sphere is called great circle distance. It's impossible to represent a sphere on a 2D piece without physical distortion in some way, so on paper, planes trajectory appears curved, but that's just a distortiong of their actual path. Planes don't really constantly turn in real life, they follow a mostly straight line whenever possible.
My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc. So why would the airline companies be spending all that money on extra fuel to keep the spherical Earth idea alive?
A straight line on a sphere is called great circle distance. It's impossible to represent a sphere on a 2D piece without physical distortion in some way, so on paper, planes trajectory appears curved, but that's just a distortiong of their actual path. Planes don't really constantly turn in real life, they follow a mostly straight line whenever possible.
On a sphere, a Great Circle arc is the counterpart of a straight line.