I'm sure everybody recalls the $400 million on pallets sent to Iran at the end of Obama's 8 years as a criminal President. That money for the most part, is untraceable. Much like drug and human trafficking cash gathered in bundles and squirreled away in corrupt banks in the Bahamas, Cook Islands and Panama.
The Treasury stopped printing bills in 2017 and it's very likely all the reserves are currently in circulation. Printed cash bills account for just over 10% of all the money in circulation. The other 90% is digital. Unlike printed bills, digital currency in the modern era is 100% traceable. Blockchain. That is, billions being laundered through foreign aid has left a trail. Any of those monies that were wired to elements of criminal organizations has implicated those recipients under RICO statutes.
I think this neatly explains the 400k+ sealed indictments and their continued and steady rise. It's difficult to imagine hundreds of grand juries and police and FBI investigations being conducted to accumulate this number of indictments.
The greed among politicians and bureaucrats is insatiable and these dummies just can't resist; ie. "these people are stupid" Clawing back these ill gotten Monies is just an NSA hack away.
I am just spitballing here and as usual, I appreciate everyone's input and comments.
If Biden isn't the real President, then Yellen cannot get her name on bills. Think about it. Makes a pretty good case that Trump is still President.
The $5 bills are slowly coming out as are the $1s. The signature of the Treasurer (the Indian Chief woman) happened in December or earlier, and the plates were done in Feb 2023 I believe. Yellen's sig was already done - they were waiting on Biden to get off his ass and find a diversity hire for Treasurer.
There were pictures of notes with the signature... but have you actually touched one? 🤔
Nope. If I had to guess the new bills would either come out near the printing press (so what - DC?), or if there are banks that turned in a ton of old $1s and $5s they would start to show up there.
That leaves strip clubs and casinos - try someone in Vegas.
So is there any evidence that anyone aside from those at the staged photoshoot, has touched any of these allegedly existing physical new series notes?