If they waited 2 years for the vaccines, then the cabal could claim they went through exhausting tests and study’s and were found to be completely safe. At which point the govt could make those vaccines mandatory since they “completed” all fda safety studies. It would be vaccines or lose your job. Vaccines or close your business. Vaccines or your kids don’t go to school, then get taken away because you wouldn’t provide for their safety. Vaccines or no outdoor activities or recreational use. Vaccines or jail.
And the military distribution / nat guard distribution to the public in some cases seems to have been done in an intentionally incorrect way. Not keeping the shots to temperature for instance, would this decay the bioweapon?
I respectfully disagree in the most violent manner consistent with polite decorum
This movie is absolute pure nauseating pornography and only keeps getting worse...children are being slaughtered daily en masse with poison and violent sexual abuse...we've never seen such a disgusting, horrible movie, it's absolutely nightmarish, the worst sci-fi horror crime drama imaginable, we'd be streaming from the theater screaming and vomiting if it were an actual film.
If they waited 2 years for the vaccines, then the cabal could claim they went through exhausting tests and study’s and were found to be completely safe. At which point the govt could make those vaccines mandatory since they “completed” all fda safety studies. It would be vaccines or lose your job. Vaccines or close your business. Vaccines or your kids don’t go to school, then get taken away because you wouldn’t provide for their safety. Vaccines or no outdoor activities or recreational use. Vaccines or jail.
I also think they didn't have enough active ingredients for all of them. I read reports the Japanese tested them and found different strengths.
Different strengths, so, almost like an experiment
YEP...AND I also believe that President Trump was onto them BEFORE he took the Oath of Office...
And the military distribution / nat guard distribution to the public in some cases seems to have been done in an intentionally incorrect way. Not keeping the shots to temperature for instance, would this decay the bioweapon?
Wow that's a very interesting question.
Did I land in another timeline? All these things happened anyway. Americans really did have it easy.
I respectfully disagree in the most violent manner consistent with polite decorum
This movie is absolute pure nauseating pornography and only keeps getting worse...children are being slaughtered daily en masse with poison and violent sexual abuse...we've never seen such a disgusting, horrible movie, it's absolutely nightmarish, the worst sci-fi horror crime drama imaginable, we'd be streaming from the theater screaming and vomiting if it were an actual film.
Pass the popcorn please
Indeed, but that made all the difference, didn´t it? The same is being done with CBDC, EUid, digital persona etc: accept or die.