Anyone posting links to any sites that sell or link to sales of fenbendazole risk being perma banned. Please go through your history and remove your links.
Some users with 1+ year old accounts are sharing the same link a rash of sub-month-old sock accounts were hyping up a month ago. The site contains an amazon affiliate link, facebook link, and telegram link. Three obvious red flags!
Let it be known we are not installing telegram or joining facebook to police links so if you don't want to be banned DO NOT LINK TO THEM. We may assume on face value of a report that it is spam, self promotion or a honeypot.
Further clarification, here are some dummy links as an example. (Affiliate/Bannable) (Affiliate/Bannable) (Clean)
Don't post sites that contain affiliate links such as the first two examples. Most sites you land on with amazon links are affiliate links. They're often algorithmically generated like review sites or best [insert product here] of 2023. Even if you don't buy what they linked to, they still get money if you make a purchase on amazon after clicking those links.
Exactly. Until today, I had never even heard of Fenbendazole, and I'm not quite sure what an "Amazon Affiliate Link" is. Although I do have Amazon Prime and order stuff now and then.
But at 34 years clean and sober, I don't think I would ever CONSCIOUSLY share a link that promotes any kind of drugs.
Maybe I'm overreacting to a never-mind mod edict
FBZ is similar to is used to treat cancer...I don't think the product is the issue...I just started my husband on it for prostate is part of the Joe Tippens protocol...there has been a lot of discussion on it lately here...
So I wonder why this new ban of FBZ here? Hmmm, don't know, and probably don't care.
FBZ isn't banned. Links that fall under the category of Self Promotion are. Don't make the mistake of using sus links.
Your handle fits. This please has gone full tilt retard
They're likely seeing bots or bad actors spamming crap and they're trying to clean it up. In order to do that, realistically, you've got to write a program that goes post by post looking for key words or phrases, like links to Amazon or other known sellers, and the flags them all.
This kind of program, depending on how you write it and how much data you feed into it (ie how far back you ask it to check and how big your word filter is), and how much computing power you have to allocate could take a very long time to run.
Personally, I think the evidence for FBZ is weak. People started making all sorts of wild claims about anti-parasitic drugs and cancer during the COVID years. People posted all sorts of weak and out of context evidence claiming that drugs like albendazole, fenbendazole, ivermectin, etc were cure-alls. I have had enough exposure to cancer research to know that just about everything on this planet at one point or another has been claimed to cause it or cure it. Getting good, high-quality evidence that it actually works for a broad spectrum of people or cancers is a much more difficult task. These drugs aren't terribly dangerous, but they're also not intended to be taken long-term either. The data we have is based on taking them for a week or two to cure a parasitic infection. We don't have long-term safety or efficacy data on any of it because no one takes it that way.
I support free speech and open discussion, but I also understand what the mods are dealing with and it's a real PITA for a site administrator, which is why we're seeing the salt in this post.
You make some good point but truthfully the claims from radiation and chemo are not really there either...Annie's husband in New Zealand is in remission from liver cancer after taking mebendazole because she couldn't get FBZ...which I would say is pretty miraculous. So I really think anecdotal evidence is driving the push for alternative therapies. The hospitals and doctors are conflicted because what they push makes them very rich.... whether you live or die. So, I think people are looking alternatively and liking what they find.
I took Ivermectin for a month then I stopped it, but didn't cure my congestion and allergies that I got after the plandemic. I do not know what exactly the evildoers thrown to us, never have recovered, have tried everything but still sick. Maybe someday we will have Medbeds and I will find my cure. (Never vaccines) I trust God.
Pre-COVID years too, actually. Ivermectin is one of the few drugs that actually reaches your eyes and can cure river blindness. Fenbendazole is one of the few things that can actually effectively destroy liver flukes. They are both very safe and cheap, and ivermectin is actually in the top 10 most important drugs listed by the World Health Org. This has been well-known for a long time. Ivermectin is even for safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Yes, I understand that there is no mainstream research really out there in regards to cancer treatment for these medications. Why? Cuz it ain't profitable. Cancer is a very complicated disease, which can be caused by many different vectors, some of which are parasites and pathogens. Ivermectin and fenbendazole are both wide-spectrum anti-parasitic and anti-pathogen drugs and have been successfully used globally in humans and animals, in 1st and 3rd world countries, livestock and even in things as important and prized as race horses.... it is practically a cure-all. And it is cheap. Very cheap. All the mainstream researched cancer treatments cost a lot of money and are very profitable for drug companies and hospitals, because they tend to make you sick and keep you in the hospital for a long time.
I've successfully used these medications to cure cancers. The best experiment and research you can do, is to create your own clinical trial. Good luck. You can do some research from top leading (non) mainstream doctors who have done research/trials on their patients, saving lives. It is hidden well by the government/big pharma/big tech/mainstream media, but since you are on this site, I'm sure you will be able to manage. As always, happy hunting for the truth.
Really though, doing your own clinical trials are pretty fun and rewarding, because you actually are responsible for your own health. It's very empowering. =)
Agreed! I'd rather take an herb that does the same thing. Lots of plants and herbs are antiviral, kills parasites and fungus. As you mentioned with some medicines, many herbs should be short term.
Or maybe it was just a poorly written post that few people -- autiste computer whizzes, for example -- would understand. Whatever, I'm just sorry I brought it up now.
I've never heard of Fenbenazole until I read this post. I've been here three years and on here daily.
An Amazon influencer (or any other store influencer) is someone that posts (usually on social media) items they "supposedly" use or like. Most that I've seen post house items, clothing, baby stuff etc.