Why is the plan taking so long?
"But whyyyyyyyyyyyy?"
The levels of retarded closed minded thinking both inside the truth movement and the fed plants that are there to sprinkle shit in clear waters is the reason the plan has to take so long. How do you wage war on behalf of a public, mainly made up of ignorant sheep? How do you defend those who enjoy the abuse? How do you educate those who think they know everything already?
Trust the fucking plan.
If you can’t take the heat, sayonara… don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I've lost very close friends, because "it had to be this way." I'm watching family I love start to suffer complications that may be from the vax, because "it had to be this way." I'm wondering if my water is safe to drink after a chemical spill up river from me, because "it had to be this way." My bank account is shrinking from high prices, because "it had to be this way." I'm getting real tired of seeing that phrase, and wondering why we couldn't just put some bullets in the right heads at the beginning of this secret war, instead of it having to be this way. I'm only human, and one that's real tired of being told I'm not a real patriot just because the cost is getting to me.
Let me ask you a question: why would the post have said "it had to be this way" unless in fact, it was going to be uncomfortable?
When the plagues hit Egypt, do you think it was only the Egyptians who were affected?
Slogans from a 4chan post only go so far, and they are cold comfort to those that have to watch their families die and their friends go insane from fear. I don't have a crystal ball showing me all of the possible futures and neither does anyone else here, so whether it is true or not will always be debatable.
Do you think the survivors of the plagues, that lost their children to it, thought the price was worth it?
Do you consider yourself a Q supporter, yes or no?
I think there is something to it. I also think that if you can't allow the sacred Q texts to be questioned without labeling someone a heretic, then you're no better than your enemies.
According to the Bible, not all the plagues affected the Hebrews.
Some of them did, some didn't. The point was, when the plagues came, the Hebrews were affected by it.
You may be closer than you know to what has happened. However, doing this secretly without revealing publicly the corruption and reason for the executions would not result in any Awakening at all. It has to be revealed publicly the corruption and treason, even if it is by actors in masks.
Change your perspective, it will start to change your reality.
It would of been worse. Think about that.
Maybe. Maybe not. We'll never know. I know that this place could do with a little more empathy for those that have had to suffer for this plan though.
No. Fuck them. They tried to MURDER YOU.
If they wore a Mask, If they Took the VaX, If they Vote Democrat. They Participated WILLINGLY.
I was referring to the people here who've lost their jobs, friends and family over the past several years, that start to question if we really need to sacrifice everything just so the mindless masses don't panic. And you should ask yourself if you'll be so thrilled for Darwin to win when it's your turn to lose a loved one to a rash decision.
Suffer? How much was Trump and family suffer. You have not suffered yet.