Long-Knife 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe they mean months, but you never know these days. It's most likely just shock value though. Older teens get called kids all the time when it's convenient for the media and politicians.

Long-Knife 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're transsick... I'm not sorry. Bad jokes about bad jokes aside, I'm technically disabled and hate using the "perks," so I don't. Other people have it worse than I do and need them more. These people are just going to make life harder for those whose lives are already hard enough.

Long-Knife 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suspect it's the other way around. They were never capable of thinking for themselves, and barely have awareness. So they are drawn to entertainment that appeals to this state of mind.

Long-Knife 6 points ago +7 / -1

I think there is something to it. I also think that if you can't allow the sacred Q texts to be questioned without labeling someone a heretic, then you're no better than your enemies.

Long-Knife 3 points ago +4 / -1

Slogans from a 4chan post only go so far, and they are cold comfort to those that have to watch their families die and their friends go insane from fear. I don't have a crystal ball showing me all of the possible futures and neither does anyone else here, so whether it is true or not will always be debatable.

Do you think the survivors of the plagues, that lost their children to it, thought the price was worth it?

Long-Knife 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was referring to the people here who've lost their jobs, friends and family over the past several years, that start to question if we really need to sacrifice everything just so the mindless masses don't panic. And you should ask yourself if you'll be so thrilled for Darwin to win when it's your turn to lose a loved one to a rash decision.

Long-Knife 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe. Maybe not. We'll never know. I know that this place could do with a little more empathy for those that have had to suffer for this plan though.

Long-Knife 19 points ago +20 / -1

I've lost very close friends, because "it had to be this way." I'm watching family I love start to suffer complications that may be from the vax, because "it had to be this way." I'm wondering if my water is safe to drink after a chemical spill up river from me, because "it had to be this way." My bank account is shrinking from high prices, because "it had to be this way." I'm getting real tired of seeing that phrase, and wondering why we couldn't just put some bullets in the right heads at the beginning of this secret war, instead of it having to be this way. I'm only human, and one that's real tired of being told I'm not a real patriot just because the cost is getting to me.

Long-Knife 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the first beer I had that didn't taste like week old piss. No idea why people drink Bud, or most other cheap beers.

Long-Knife 2 points ago +2 / -0

You mean I can continue to tell big pharma, big media and big brother to fuck off and hollyweird will stop churning out drivel as a bonus? Is it my birthday?

Long-Knife 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never thought I'd hear a politician say an island could tip over. Fake or not, don't underestimate the depths of their stupidity.

Long-Knife 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ours was called TAG. Started in elementary school and continued into high school. Just solved puzzles, played cards and did the occasional cultural field trip. They gave us the previous year's voided mensa test at one point, but that's the only noteworthy thing I remember from the program.

Long-Knife 2 points ago +2 / -0

One at a time, while removing their ability to regrow and burying anything you can't kill. Second labor of Hercules.

Long-Knife 6 points ago +6 / -0

The person that first told me 9/11 was an inside job to cover a money transfer is also fully vaxed and thinks cnn is less biased than fox. You never know when the brainwashing will kick in or where it fails to take hold.

Long-Knife 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you can insult someone by copying what they do, you should do it as often as possible to mock them.

Long-Knife 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've had to destroy tainted products before that someone else might think was perfectly good. Fortunately, my boss was a stickler for doing things the right way and we made sure it wasn't usable, but other people might just throw it in the dumpster. Or they received too much of a product and have to throw stuff out since there isn't anywhere to store it. The warehouse shipping you frozen stuff doesn't care that your freezers are already full.

Long-Knife 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lot of hangings the last time. Madame Guillotine wasn't the the only fate for the aristocracy, and the French still have plenty of rope...

Long-Knife 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just took my usual route through the store and didn't notice the arrows until after some lady gave me the stink eye. Then I went the "wrong way" deliberately and maintained eye contact with anyone that looked at me funny.

Long-Knife 4 points ago +4 / -0

You'll find bigger differences in culture between people living in cities and rural areas in the same state/provence than you would in similar demographics on opposite sides of the country. Rural Maine dropped off in rural Texas only needs to learn that they can wear shorts year round and will fit in just fine, except for the accent and using a few different words for the same things.

Long-Knife 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your population isn't that big. You might be spread out more, but you're still not that different from each other. Hell, the people in Nova Scotia weren't that different from people where I live in the states. Not on a day to day basis, anyway.

Long-Knife 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know Canadians. Spent almost a year living up there. Talked about politics and cultural differences with them. And the insult isn't entirely unwarranted. Canadians, in the words of the one I lived with, don't like to rock the boat. They go along to get along. And a lot of them have very skewed perspectives on politics in both of our countries. The ones I spent time with didn't pay much attention to it beyond what their tv told them. They pretty consistently favor whatever policy sounds nicest and they genuinely think the government has their best interest at heart. It really is like talking to someone who's been cheated on and is in denial about it. Or an abused child that has been conditioned to accept it. Some wake up, as evidenced by the protests. But most are sheep and they like it that way.

Long-Knife 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've used fictional stories as models of moral behavior for as long as we've had language. Not liking the source has no bearing on it's use as an easily understood example.

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