I’m just wondering about the push to normalize pedophilia when that is purported to be the blackmail that the cabal has over their operatives. Is it the controlled wanting a way out?
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In my opinion, yes.
But not a way out in the sense they want free of the blackmail. They are trying to get free of the punishment, but keep on committing the crimes.
I think the reason the queer agenda has been pushed so hard was because early on that was the means to hooking the puppets. Get them being faggots and blackmail them into compliance. That was one of J. Edgar Hoover's tactics. Now faggotry has been pushed on society long enough you have openly queer people running.
And winning
This guy has the same theory about the blackmailees being the ones pushing the normalization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlmhhh9HYqc
You seem to forget they still have child sacrifice and cannibalism. Plenty of control mechanisms yet remains imo.
No, didn’t forget that — but sometimes it seems nobody gives a damn about ANY of these things anymore. In a society where abortion is just a shrug of the shoulder, who will raise an eyebrow about child sacrifice?
You're right, it doesn't make sense for them to be making such a risky move. Something is forcing them into this.
Perhaps in this age of surveillance they realize it may be impossible to conceal these sorts of activities for much longer.
Another possibility is patriots are in control and are orchestrating a controlled reveal of the whole system slowly so these revelations don't completely destroy everything. I strongly believe regular people will never allow pedophilia to be normalized. The good guys may be slowly pulling back the curtain to reveal the disgusting manipulations going on backstage.
Interesting but I bet they have a long list of crimes on these clowns. This push looks like it's coming from the top of their leadership.
I thought about this too. It's puzzling. Maybe the DS-controlled/compromised individuals are realizing that they are on the verge of being outed and charged. If they are showing signs of weakness and potential for flipping, maybe the DS is lowering or removing the penalties for their crimes in the hopes of keeping them reined in.
I'm looking for signs of hope and winningness.
I saw a video recently where the speaker claimed that it is the people who are being blackmailed who are pushing normalization of the types of behaviors they are being blackmailed for. It is their way of getting out of the blackmail; by making the public think the behavior is okay, their blackmail videos have no power any more. I don't know if it is true, but it is a theory that I'd never considered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlmhhh9HYqc
Im sure melonhead adam chiff waits with baited breath for the day raping dead black children in hotel rooms is socially acceptable