32 Denmark renames its women's museum and puts up a sick statue (notthebee.com) posted 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser +32 / -0 Denmark's Women's Museum renamed itself the "Gender Museum" and put up this statue So, there's this museum in Denmark that used to be called a 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
ARTIST IS A SICK FU-K: https://media.notthebee.com/articles/article-6442d6ccf1988.jpg
What a Gay Faggot.
Viking ancestors are spinning in their graves. How embarrassing.
Wouldn't they be in Valhalla with a skin-full of grog, laughing their asses off at this pussywillow shite.
I didn't know the Bee was this based.
Um no. Denmark was responsible for the proliferation of commercially produced CP back in the late 60s/70s until they got round to making it illegal after over a decade.