No, I think it will be different. President Trump fully exposed the Deep State's methods of stealing elections. They know if they use it again in 2024 that people will riot in the street. They've burned their best methods and agents thinking that President Trump couldn't recover, but they are so wrong and now they're scared because they'll be defenseless on a level playing field.
2022 was the last attempt the DS could make to steal the election. It's life hearing gun shots. First shot, you have no idea of the direction, second short you have a general idea of where it is at, and third shot you can pin point it. This is what the White hats have done and DS knows it. If they try to steal the 2024 election, the White hats will be able to expose exactly what they're doing.
PDJT beat HRC with her own rigged system, 2020 was a necessary dragnet imo. Sometimes you must show them the corruption while catching them in the act.
It's not about arresting a few low level agents, it's about exposing the whole system. If we win by moving the goal posts, then we still win.
The White hats new that the DS would steal the 2020 election, but they let it happen so they could expose the corruption. It's all part of the plan. This way, President Trump has effectively been able to work behind scenes for the last 4 years. When he wins in 2024, it will be like he was president for 12 years, without violating the two term limit.
Well, this is one way to wake up the Dems -- Let Joe overwhelmingly win the Democratic nomination via voter fraud (you know Obama would like nothing better than another 4-year term), despite the popularity of another Democrat contender. Tit for tat.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with our voting system, but in the primaries, each party votes for the candidate of their party that they want to run in the presidential election.
RFK Jr would most likely be very popular with the Democrats -- way more than bumbling Potatus. Imagine all of the Dems voting for RFK Jr in the primaries and then finding out that Potatus had beat him by a longshot. I should think there would be much wailing and rending of garments if this happened.
That makes total sense. I'm pretty sure RFK is white hat connected. He's also setting up the polarisation on the lockdown debate by publicly blaming Trump for the lockdowns. The whole narrative will crack open for the dem onlookers.
It's getting them to commit to an idea and then have to reject it later. that's the way to redpill the Dem normies.
Support means nothing. If 2020 is not rectified why would we expect any other outcome aside from rampant cheating?
We are not voting our way out of this. Biden will "win" again if nothing changes.
No, I think it will be different. President Trump fully exposed the Deep State's methods of stealing elections. They know if they use it again in 2024 that people will riot in the street. They've burned their best methods and agents thinking that President Trump couldn't recover, but they are so wrong and now they're scared because they'll be defenseless on a level playing field.
It didn't stop them in 2022. I know because Katie Hobbs is my governor, blatant steal AGAIN.
2022 was the last attempt the DS could make to steal the election. It's life hearing gun shots. First shot, you have no idea of the direction, second short you have a general idea of where it is at, and third shot you can pin point it. This is what the White hats have done and DS knows it. If they try to steal the 2024 election, the White hats will be able to expose exactly what they're doing.
PDJT beat HRC with her own rigged system, 2020 was a necessary dragnet imo. Sometimes you must show them the corruption while catching them in the act.
2022 came and went. Another steal.
No more goalpost moving. Fix the election system. Arrest these traitors.
It's not about arresting a few low level agents, it's about exposing the whole system. If we win by moving the goal posts, then we still win.
The White hats new that the DS would steal the 2020 election, but they let it happen so they could expose the corruption. It's all part of the plan. This way, President Trump has effectively been able to work behind scenes for the last 4 years. When he wins in 2024, it will be like he was president for 12 years, without violating the two term limit.
Well, this is one way to wake up the Dems -- Let Joe overwhelmingly win the Democratic nomination via voter fraud (you know Obama would like nothing better than another 4-year term), despite the popularity of another Democrat contender. Tit for tat.
Just like Bernie all over again
Good call. Let this happen to the dems, just like Bernie got knobbled. They don't believe anything until it affects them and their goals.
Was just this the reason that RFK Jr is running on the Dem ticket??
Run that by me again please?
I'm not sure how familiar you are with our voting system, but in the primaries, each party votes for the candidate of their party that they want to run in the presidential election.
RFK Jr would most likely be very popular with the Democrats -- way more than bumbling Potatus. Imagine all of the Dems voting for RFK Jr in the primaries and then finding out that Potatus had beat him by a longshot. I should think there would be much wailing and rending of garments if this happened.
That makes total sense. I'm pretty sure RFK is white hat connected. He's also setting up the polarisation on the lockdown debate by publicly blaming Trump for the lockdowns. The whole narrative will crack open for the dem onlookers.
It's getting them to commit to an idea and then have to reject it later. that's the way to redpill the Dem normies.
This is EXACTLY what they need to wake up.
from what i hear hes bringing the Ho with him.....
I donated 5 dollars. I like Sniffy Joe as the Democrat contender against Trump.
he has pilfered enough to cover it lol....another basement campaign...personally i dont think he will make it past the first term........
Is this why there was an announcement that the DNC were not going to debate this time?
There hasn't been a incumbent president in the last 100 years who hasn't won their own parties nomination. He'll probably get it with little protest.