Boy oh boy. Pentecostalism is mostly a health, wealth, prosperity scam. They cherry pick verses like nobody’s business twisting scripture at every turn. Just as Q said, “ be careful who you follow!” I can spot it a mile away. And as far as this rapture, Jesus does come gather the saints but not at the time most evangelical pastors would have you believe. Jesus said it would come after the sun and moon are darkened and after that man of lawlessness stands in the holy place and proclaims to be God. His image has, at that point of time along with his mark, already been established. This would be in a 75 day time frame after 3 1/2 years of this Great persecution (tribulation) of Christs church. Such as the world has never seen before. Jesus told us that we would know as the days approached but no man knows th the day or hour. Not even himself. He told us exactly what to watch for. When you see the abomination that makes desolation! The reason nobody can agree on this subject is because a false docterine has been pounded down our throats for over 200 years now and there are a lot of pastors getting rich selling the world and not the gospel. Ci Scofeild was a heritic who made millions selling his reference Bible full of his opinions that are now considered facts. Truth is ci Scofeild was a pervert. A homo. Look it up. The whole rapture docterine came from a 15 year old girl who had a fever and started hallucinating. This image she saw became what is known as the pretrib rapture docterine. It is false. Once you learn to study scripture what you find is that over and over and over again the Bible confirms everything it says. It is actually phenomenal. The understanding only comes from the spirit. Jesus gave us the timeline yet 90% of modern evangelicals do not believe what Jesus said. This tells me two things. 1.) they are being misled. 2-) if the pastor says it it must be true. 3.) repeating a prayer does not get you saved. There is nothing a person can do in their own will or power to enter the kingdom of Christ. One must simply turn from self and turn to God. You wouldn’t believe this talking to most “Christian’s. You would think self is the only thing people think about. Sad reality. Most professing Christian’s are not born of the spirit. Now back to understanding scripture. The number one thing to always remember is context. The Who, what, where , when, why, and how. Ask it with every verse you read. Who wrote it, who are they speaking to, when and what was the time of writing and the customs of that time. Once you do this and realize it is written mostly in chronological order then whe you read revelation it becomes clear. It opened my eyes when I realized everything I have ever been taught is a lie. Government was not my first awakening. The church was. Once I woke to that I became the biggest conspiracy theorist I know. I am a fundamentalist when it comes to church. I don’t like titles. Baptist, Methodist, ect. I believe it all started with Constantine and his desire to keep Rome in power. They were loosing control of the people due to this, “Jesus” speak and they couldn’t have it. So Rome adopted it as a state religion and added paganism in order to appease and control the masses. History is long l, but you can see the same evil then as now. The difference is we are starting to enter a period of time where the beast will wage war on the saints and most are not prepared if even saved. They have been taught that Jesus gonna rapture you out so you don’t have to face the devils wrath. False. It’s Gods wrath we are safe from, not satans. Persecution is another word for tribulation. Why would there be tribulation or persecution of the saints if all the saints disappeared. It makes no sense and people just write it off as, “revelation is too scary to understand, but I know what my pastor says and he said if I give him more money then God will give me 100 fold and I’m gonna get to buy me a nice car with a fancy house and live my best life now in prosperity cause Jesus wants me to enjoy all the pleasures of this world.” That is 100% antithetical to scripture. Jesus said be seperate. Hate the world and all the things in it. We are not of this world. We have been born again a new creature. We are to worship the creator not the creation. Food for thought fren!
When Christ spoke of the abomination of desolation in Matthew, he’s talking to Jews.
How do we know this? He instructs His listeners to pray that their flight from the abomination not take place on the sabbath. Christians don’t observe the sabbath as Christ is our sabbath per Hebrews.
The church is the bride of Christ. In the Jewish wedding traditions that early Christians would have been familiar with, the bride makes herself ready for the groom to come take her without knowing when he’ll arrive. If this analogy holds, then why would Christ let His church go through the Tribulation, which is tantamount to the groom abusing his bride before the marriage? Why would Christ let His church endure His wrath when He’s already paid for their sin?
Oh here we go with Matthew preaching to Jews. Yes Matthew was written to Jew, but this book was written to Christian converts. When Christ instructs John to write to the churches in revelation he speaks of those he saw at the alter crying how long until God avenges their blood on earth. The angel tells them to wait until the rest of the martyrs are killed. Why would Christ say the sun and moon should be darkened first? Only for the Jews? He came to his own and they received it not. The same is repeated over and over that we would see the abomination. It is in the Old Testament as well as the new. This timeline never changes. It is the same in all the books mentioned. You are to overcome the flesh. Not expect God to save your flesh. It is spiritual. When you are changed in the blink of an eye then you will see. When the veil of flesh is lifted and you realize that we were created from the earth and will remain with the earth in the flesh. It is appointed once for man to die after this is the judgment. We will die. We have to. If I use your logic then why has Christ allowed the persecution of his church ( Bride) as long as he has already? Because the martyrs are waiting on the rest of us. They are asleep waiting for Christ to raise them from the dead. Then those who are alive and remain are transformed in the blink of an eye. Once the antichrist declares all who hold the testimony of Christ to be put to death it is said that if Christ dosnt shorten those days then no flesh would be saved. This is in a time span of about 75 days after the abomination. The Jews who have claimed him as the messiah will realize they were wrong. War is waged at that point on Jews and Christian’s because it is at that point they realize that Jesus was their messiah and because of the two witnesses many will get saved. But it’s about 75 days until Christ and the saints following him unleash hell on earth as they pour out The Wrath of God on all who took the mark and worshiped the beasts image. Jewish calendar and parallel scripture confirms this timeline over 20 biblically. Christ told us they would kill is because they hate him!
I didn't say the whole book of Matthew was only for Jews, I said that in that specific conversation in Matthew 24 Christ is speaking to a Jewish audience, which we know because He mentions the observation of the sabbath.
Revelation doesn't mention the martyrs until chapter 6, which is after the Tribulation starts. Furthermore it doesn't specify when those martyrs were killed. Lastly, many Israelites during the Tribulation will be saved only to be persecuted and martyred by the Antichrist. None of this conclusively indicates that the church goes through the Tribulation.
I also don't see where Christ says that the sun and the moon must be darkened before the abomination. Could you provide a reference?
"He came unto His own and His own received Him not" has already been fulfilled, hence why the phrase is in the past tense. No relevance to end times prophecy.
You are to overcome the flesh. Not expect God to save your flesh.
You are conflating the metaphorical meaning of "flesh" referring to our sin nature with the literal meaning of God saving us from His Wrath.
If I use your logic then why has Christ allowed the persecution of his church ( Bride) as long as he has already?
Because the persecution that the church has encountered thus far is not the Wrath of God. Only the Tribulation gets that moniker.
This is in a time span of about 75 days after the abomination.
According to Daniel 12:12 there is going to be approximately three and a half years from the time the abomination is set up to the time it is abolished. Not sure where you're getting 75 from.
The two witnesses start their ministry toward the beginning of the Tribulation, being executed and resurrected shortly before or right as the abomination is set up, which is the halfway point of the 7 year Tribulation. You are correct that many, Jew and Gentile alike, will still have the opportunity to get saved.
Boy oh boy. Pentecostalism is mostly a health, wealth, prosperity scam. They cherry pick verses like nobody’s business twisting scripture at every turn. Just as Q said, “ be careful who you follow!” I can spot it a mile away. And as far as this rapture, Jesus does come gather the saints but not at the time most evangelical pastors would have you believe. Jesus said it would come after the sun and moon are darkened and after that man of lawlessness stands in the holy place and proclaims to be God. His image has, at that point of time along with his mark, already been established. This would be in a 75 day time frame after 3 1/2 years of this Great persecution (tribulation) of Christs church. Such as the world has never seen before. Jesus told us that we would know as the days approached but no man knows th the day or hour. Not even himself. He told us exactly what to watch for. When you see the abomination that makes desolation! The reason nobody can agree on this subject is because a false docterine has been pounded down our throats for over 200 years now and there are a lot of pastors getting rich selling the world and not the gospel. Ci Scofeild was a heritic who made millions selling his reference Bible full of his opinions that are now considered facts. Truth is ci Scofeild was a pervert. A homo. Look it up. The whole rapture docterine came from a 15 year old girl who had a fever and started hallucinating. This image she saw became what is known as the pretrib rapture docterine. It is false. Once you learn to study scripture what you find is that over and over and over again the Bible confirms everything it says. It is actually phenomenal. The understanding only comes from the spirit. Jesus gave us the timeline yet 90% of modern evangelicals do not believe what Jesus said. This tells me two things. 1.) they are being misled. 2-) if the pastor says it it must be true. 3.) repeating a prayer does not get you saved. There is nothing a person can do in their own will or power to enter the kingdom of Christ. One must simply turn from self and turn to God. You wouldn’t believe this talking to most “Christian’s. You would think self is the only thing people think about. Sad reality. Most professing Christian’s are not born of the spirit. Now back to understanding scripture. The number one thing to always remember is context. The Who, what, where , when, why, and how. Ask it with every verse you read. Who wrote it, who are they speaking to, when and what was the time of writing and the customs of that time. Once you do this and realize it is written mostly in chronological order then whe you read revelation it becomes clear. It opened my eyes when I realized everything I have ever been taught is a lie. Government was not my first awakening. The church was. Once I woke to that I became the biggest conspiracy theorist I know. I am a fundamentalist when it comes to church. I don’t like titles. Baptist, Methodist, ect. I believe it all started with Constantine and his desire to keep Rome in power. They were loosing control of the people due to this, “Jesus” speak and they couldn’t have it. So Rome adopted it as a state religion and added paganism in order to appease and control the masses. History is long l, but you can see the same evil then as now. The difference is we are starting to enter a period of time where the beast will wage war on the saints and most are not prepared if even saved. They have been taught that Jesus gonna rapture you out so you don’t have to face the devils wrath. False. It’s Gods wrath we are safe from, not satans. Persecution is another word for tribulation. Why would there be tribulation or persecution of the saints if all the saints disappeared. It makes no sense and people just write it off as, “revelation is too scary to understand, but I know what my pastor says and he said if I give him more money then God will give me 100 fold and I’m gonna get to buy me a nice car with a fancy house and live my best life now in prosperity cause Jesus wants me to enjoy all the pleasures of this world.” That is 100% antithetical to scripture. Jesus said be seperate. Hate the world and all the things in it. We are not of this world. We have been born again a new creature. We are to worship the creator not the creation. Food for thought fren!
When Christ spoke of the abomination of desolation in Matthew, he’s talking to Jews.
How do we know this? He instructs His listeners to pray that their flight from the abomination not take place on the sabbath. Christians don’t observe the sabbath as Christ is our sabbath per Hebrews.
The church is the bride of Christ. In the Jewish wedding traditions that early Christians would have been familiar with, the bride makes herself ready for the groom to come take her without knowing when he’ll arrive. If this analogy holds, then why would Christ let His church go through the Tribulation, which is tantamount to the groom abusing his bride before the marriage? Why would Christ let His church endure His wrath when He’s already paid for their sin?
Oh here we go with Matthew preaching to Jews. Yes Matthew was written to Jew, but this book was written to Christian converts. When Christ instructs John to write to the churches in revelation he speaks of those he saw at the alter crying how long until God avenges their blood on earth. The angel tells them to wait until the rest of the martyrs are killed. Why would Christ say the sun and moon should be darkened first? Only for the Jews? He came to his own and they received it not. The same is repeated over and over that we would see the abomination. It is in the Old Testament as well as the new. This timeline never changes. It is the same in all the books mentioned. You are to overcome the flesh. Not expect God to save your flesh. It is spiritual. When you are changed in the blink of an eye then you will see. When the veil of flesh is lifted and you realize that we were created from the earth and will remain with the earth in the flesh. It is appointed once for man to die after this is the judgment. We will die. We have to. If I use your logic then why has Christ allowed the persecution of his church ( Bride) as long as he has already? Because the martyrs are waiting on the rest of us. They are asleep waiting for Christ to raise them from the dead. Then those who are alive and remain are transformed in the blink of an eye. Once the antichrist declares all who hold the testimony of Christ to be put to death it is said that if Christ dosnt shorten those days then no flesh would be saved. This is in a time span of about 75 days after the abomination. The Jews who have claimed him as the messiah will realize they were wrong. War is waged at that point on Jews and Christian’s because it is at that point they realize that Jesus was their messiah and because of the two witnesses many will get saved. But it’s about 75 days until Christ and the saints following him unleash hell on earth as they pour out The Wrath of God on all who took the mark and worshiped the beasts image. Jewish calendar and parallel scripture confirms this timeline over 20 biblically. Christ told us they would kill is because they hate him!
I didn't say the whole book of Matthew was only for Jews, I said that in that specific conversation in Matthew 24 Christ is speaking to a Jewish audience, which we know because He mentions the observation of the sabbath.
Revelation doesn't mention the martyrs until chapter 6, which is after the Tribulation starts. Furthermore it doesn't specify when those martyrs were killed. Lastly, many Israelites during the Tribulation will be saved only to be persecuted and martyred by the Antichrist. None of this conclusively indicates that the church goes through the Tribulation.
I also don't see where Christ says that the sun and the moon must be darkened before the abomination. Could you provide a reference?
"He came unto His own and His own received Him not" has already been fulfilled, hence why the phrase is in the past tense. No relevance to end times prophecy.
You are conflating the metaphorical meaning of "flesh" referring to our sin nature with the literal meaning of God saving us from His Wrath.
Because the persecution that the church has encountered thus far is not the Wrath of God. Only the Tribulation gets that moniker.
According to Daniel 12:12 there is going to be approximately three and a half years from the time the abomination is set up to the time it is abolished. Not sure where you're getting 75 from.
The two witnesses start their ministry toward the beginning of the Tribulation, being executed and resurrected shortly before or right as the abomination is set up, which is the halfway point of the 7 year Tribulation. You are correct that many, Jew and Gentile alike, will still have the opportunity to get saved.
Ci Scofeild reference Bible! That’s where that teaching came from.