Of course they have oppo on him. They probably wrote down when he stole someone's diet coke one day out of the fridge. I would be williing to bet they have nothing very damaging. Tucker, on the other hand, probably has a shit ton on them. Just hoping I guess.
Rolling Stone is pure liberal, leftist commie trash. Don't give then any traffic, use this link:
Tell that to Matt Taibbi former leftist now an enemy of the DS
He's just saying don't give rolling stone the clicks
Never 👍
What could fux have on him that we don't already know or suspect? Tucker has always been a conundrum.
As if I'd take Rolling Stone's word for it.
Of course they have oppo on him. They probably wrote down when he stole someone's diet coke one day out of the fridge. I would be williing to bet they have nothing very damaging. Tucker, on the other hand, probably has a shit ton on them. Just hoping I guess.