Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

So which version of "Jewish" gave us legalized porn?
Which version overturned all the obscenity laws?
Which version gave us feminism?
Which version gave us centralized banking? And the usury that goes with it?
Which version gave us LGBTQXYZ?
Which version gave us BLM?
Which version gave us Antifa?
Which version gave us communism?
Which version is actively trying to eliminate the white race with unrestrained third world immigration?
Asking for a fren.
Synagogue of Satan "version"
Thank you for asking, fren!