so who's money pays for their litigator and process charges? if these fees come out of the award, most of that money will go into lawyer's pockets and the state's fees.. it's like they are enlisting homeless people to be fee earners like the police with citations.
You're assuming homeless people have money for attorneys to sue and enough time Between the next meals to care enough. The only time some homeless would sue is when it's some ci-douchebag-a dressed up pretending to be one.
no i'm not assuming homeless people have money for attorneys, that's why i assumed it was some sort of shady deal.. i'm sorry i didn't make the scenario i envisioned clear.
1-homeless guy wants to sue
2-lawyer takes the case for a cut of the award
3-court rules in favor of homeless person, getting court fees paid by the defendant.
I envision the entire mess putting most of that 1000 in the pocket of the lawyer for almost no work because the crooked justice system has this planned out and the lawyer knows the judge etc.
Then word will get around and it will be an epidemic of homeless people doing this to anyone they can get id on for drug money.
Oregon's politicians have gone over the edge of idiocy.
Doesnt that give everyone the same right to privacy in public spaces?
so who's money pays for their litigator and process charges? if these fees come out of the award, most of that money will go into lawyer's pockets and the state's fees.. it's like they are enlisting homeless people to be fee earners like the police with citations.
You're assuming homeless people have money for attorneys to sue and enough time Between the next meals to care enough. The only time some homeless would sue is when it's some ci-douchebag-a dressed up pretending to be one.
no i'm not assuming homeless people have money for attorneys, that's why i assumed it was some sort of shady deal.. i'm sorry i didn't make the scenario i envisioned clear.
1-homeless guy wants to sue
2-lawyer takes the case for a cut of the award
3-court rules in favor of homeless person, getting court fees paid by the defendant.
I envision the entire mess putting most of that 1000 in the pocket of the lawyer for almost no work because the crooked justice system has this planned out and the lawyer knows the judge etc. Then word will get around and it will be an epidemic of homeless people doing this to anyone they can get id on for drug money.
That's my fault! Misread your comment originally. It's definitely a whole shady mess for sure.
Great, can i sue when I am harassed for spare change every fucking time I get out of my truck? 1000.00 bucks or 100 days in jail.
Oh no we found this comment offensive to people who identify as homeless. Please pay us 1000. Kthnxbye
Well.... that backfired.
I think I'll join Colorado's Randy Marsh and head to Oregon and pretend to be homeless.
Of course they are. Of course. They have RIGHTS!