US Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals As Currency Panic and Capital Flight Mounts: Macro Guru Hugh Hendry - The Dai...
Hedge fund manager and macro economic expert Hugh Hendry just issued a major warning on the US banking system and the American economy as a whole.
Nothings going to wake people up faster, than getting in their wallets!
It won’t wake anyone up. They will just blame it on “the previous administration” and then give another billion to Ukraine.
I doubt many people will believe the media because "the previous administration" has no bearing on most current events.
Fear Mongering, IMO.
He said, while sneaking off to the ATM
But I don't want to keep a fuckton of cash on-hand... WTF are we supposed to do?
Convert your cash into Silver and gold, and store that. Much easier to hide. You can bury it in the back yard if you really want to.
Also, the value of the cash is falling day by day, but the value of gold and silver is rising. Gold is at an ALL TIME HIGH and going up, because all the big banks and major govts around the world have been buying up gold like no one's business.
Keep only as much cash as you need to get by pay bills for a few months at most. Convert the rest to precious metals.
Already have quite a stack... would feel like I'm being too myopic if I turned even more of it into metal. Don't trust crypto either. Flush with GME for the collapse.
I wish there was some other alternative to cash that still maintained liquidity.
Yeah, certainly not a fan of crypto here.
But really, it's either precious metals or assets. Like land, equipment, all the stuff you can use to sustain yourself and your family. If you have too much cash to keep on hand, then if it was me, I'd put it to other uses.
If you are self-sustaining for most needs, you don't really need much liquidity, I would imagine.
I wish I had that much money sitting idle.
I would have done it already. It will be high up on a ridge-line, with sea views and include a large valley with a rain forrest and a creek at the bottom. I know where it's going to happen.
Get me the fuck out.
Buy Crack !
It is always in demand, has a sky-high commodity / fakedollar incipient inflection point value, can be stepped on and then sold to chickenheads at a mark up.
Precious metals are so 2022 when you can have a schtonking great Brick ! It's not just form but function also, take your pick, coke fueled bender or MAGA $?
Crack cocaine has got you covered !
You will be the life of the party and can finally tick off that bucket list item:- "Wear a white suit without looking like a tossle"
Better act fast, while your $hitdollars are still aquaplaning somewhat. Batter up ! Schwing batter, batter battaaaah!
No ! It's Wu Tang Financial. This is where to go to get silver and gold. Zero hassle. Ask for Melissa They have it on site. Their vault, their own gold and silver. Real building. Dakota depository 1437 42nd street south. Fargo ND 58103 If you can’t afford purchasing metals, purchase commodities such as coffee, soap, shampoo stuff that can be stored and traded. All should have fire arms and ammo. They will make a difference of being a slave or free. Just saying
If you have $30K - $40K in a bank right now (say Chase) what would you do with it?
Buy physical gold and silver.
Also, if you want to invest, invest in stocks for companies that OWN ground rights where actual silver and gold are found, because after the precious metals begin to soar in price, the value of those companies will also soar.
Nevada King Gold
Gold Royalty Co.
Newfoundland Gold Co.
Thanks fren.
Question - when things really go south, do you all feel that people will just say "fuck it, not going to pay my bills?' Utilities/food are probably more difficult to ignore, but things like rent, mortgage - it takes a long time to foreclose even in 'normal' times. Banks hit en masse aren't going to have the manpower, especially with so much consolidation. Cities are shorthanded in terms of law enforcement- who are you going to send out to evict someone? Why should taxes be paid when rhe government has completely dropped the ball? Thoughts?