70 Oh Noes! Actual nobodies banned Tucker from their platform.🤠(twitter.com) 🧠These people are stupid! posted 1 year ago by penisse 1 year ago by penisse +70 / -0 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Never heard of 'em.
Neither did anybody.🥳
I think they spelt it wrong.
I'm sure the correct name is drivel
Also "Libel", which fits I guess.
Isn't "tribal" the exact opposite of what democrats claim to be with open borders, and such? Lmao
Next their banning him from My Space.
…then Geocities!
Oh noes, they're banning him from club penguin
Oh shit, the comments are priceless!
Lmao @ "new Twitter competitor Tribel" Bahahahahahahaha nobody but us and you knows what that fucking shit is 😂😂😂😂😂😂
BTW, who in his right mind would have a public platform named to rhyme with « Libel »?🤪
Star Trek episodes? The trouble with Tribel
I don’t think it will matter, Tucker’s married. What’s he need a gay finder app for?
Deep State used to be able to just make up shit and people believed it. Doesn't work anymore. Better lawyer up, glowies. The shit hit more yesterday than it did in years.
The irony is they got this message out by tweeting it.
I’ve been banned on Tribel 4 times now, the left hate the truth on that site, it’s actually hilarious the BS they come up with.
Never heard of this stupid site. Stupid name too.
Nothing says stay away whitey as the word "Tribel". Talk about racist.
Tell me you only want blacks and brown(tribel) people without telling me you only want black and brown people.