The machine needs regime change in Turkey to keep the country in thrall...
And now; inexplicable voter counts in Turkey’s presidential election...
There is only one playbook...
This makes sense.
Both my dad and uncle were stationed in Turkey during the 1960's Cold War. My dad was at Incirlik Air Base (Radio repair in Adana) and uncle (Fluent in Russian) was shuffled around to listen in on the Soviet conversations and translate.
Turkey is tired of the American Military Industrial Complex (NATO) and is making the switch.
If there is a switch, it will only occur when Turkey no longer needs NATO for leveraging Turkish interests. The Turks use political blackmail routinely. Turkey has long been part of NATO since 1952. This is telling in itself how geo-politically important Turkey is in isolating all things Russia. It was recognized early on. Turkey knows this and uses it to its advantage.
My father trained their pilots how to fly F-100’s in the 60’s. He always said if he to go to war with anyone, it would be the Turks. He said they were mean SOB’s.