Your post is getting deported, but I’m going to let you get ratio’d for a bit.
Your analysis would be ok if this was checkers. This is chess. These are all pieces on the board lining up for the kill.
There is no executive branch entity that would give you the justice you seek. It’s all DS/cabal.
If Durham would have got to trial with this, what would happen? Same thing that happened with Sussmann. Which is the worst outcome as it would shut down any further action.
Your post is getting deported, but I’m going to let you get ratio’d for a bit.
Your analysis would be ok if this was checkers. This is chess. These are all pieces on the board lining up for the kill.
There is no executive branch entity that would give you the justice you seek. It’s all DS/cabal.
If Durham would have got to trial with this, what would happen? Same thing that happened with Sussmann. Which is the worst outcome as it would shut down any further action.
We have Jim Jordon collecting cabal treason and sedition, including the Biden crime family. We have Durham’s report, including a classified section. We have Trump in route back to the WH, we have our favorite 3 Star General saying ALL who are guilty of treason and sedition must pay.
Pain is coming. But it won’t/cannot happen with the DOJ/FBLies/etc.
Agenda 47. Military. Pain.
Points well received. My sarcasm wasnt clear.
What is clear is the people in charge of this during the 2016 election say they cleaned up their offices - yet they did similar obstruction in 2020.
I look forward to the day when these democrat lapdog agencies are dismantled.
uniparty, not democrat
To decrease "my sarcasm wasn't clear" confusion, perhaps try including /s?