Yahoo Says That MAGA wants Violence Against LGBTQIA people. We don't. All we want is for them to not harm kids and to stop pushing their lifestyle on the rest of the country and world.
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡

Yeah, I don’t care what faggots do. Leave kids alone.
Leave us alone! The phrase "keep government out of the bedroom" used to be a thing.
Now it is force faggotry; schools, all media, HR meetings at big corporations, ... everywhere.
If you want to try to rub your lack of morals in our face; then we have every right push our values on you.
THAT's a bucket of cold water on the Woke agenda. Should be one of our rallying cries. Great line, HenryTheRed.
The problem is faggots will never be satisfied in their own echo chamber. So, you should care about everything they do. That’s partly how we wound up right where we’re at. “Tolerance”
I guess the + at the end of LGBBQBLT stands for pedo predators.
If that's the case they should all get millstones and go on a deep see fishing trip.
I used to not care, until they insisted on shoving it in my face all the time. now im sick of their shit and want them back in the closet
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