Parents at the progressive Waldorf School of Garden City, Long Island, are angry and some are threatening to pull their kids out school because of new mandatory sex education for fifth graders that teaches, among other things, oral and anal sex and masturbation — with illustrations.
What's worse is if you question this garbage it's always "what, are you a puritan that doesn't want kids to learn about their reproductive systems and how babies are made"?
The strawman arguments by the pedophilia crowd are tiresome.
Everyone needs to home school. Fuck these indoctrination centers.
It's time to call Pedophiles out. I hope every teacher at this school is exposed as Pedophiles. Their friends and neighbors need to know to never let a child near these animals.
Tell the morons that babies aren't made in the mouth, anus, or Kleenex.... And 5th graders should be learning real stuff, not the teacher's sexual kink
If you're paying attention, you can see the unsurprising place where this all started from:
HAHAHA!! These stupid fuks are paying $35000 a year to this private ‘school’ to turn their children into Marxist monsters.
Tell me you’re a shitty parent without telling me you’re a shitty parent.
This goes against everything God teaches. They are trying to break our children's moral compass. This shit needs to come to a head and right soon!!!
Mine was optional and in high school. And I choose driver education instead of sex education.
I was so naive at that age.
I read a Judy Blume book where the character said she had a special spot that felt good when she touched it, "Deenie," and had no clue.
Problem is, once the kids see it, they can never ever unsee it. It is traumatizing.
I do not think Rudolf Steiner would approve.
arrest the teachers and staff of school - the school board.....all of them.....charge with FELONY's
When did they start teaching sex ed in 5th grade also? Sheesh - regardless of what they are teaching that is way too young.