This is a great 1hr long interview with Donald Trump Jr and Col. MacGregor. Embedding has been disabled, so you'll need to click the link. (MacGregor only posts on YT, sorry)
Here is a shorter video, where he says the same thing:
As always, MacGregor straight talks about the history and inevitable outcome in Ukraine. They are going to lose. NATO goaded RUS into war.
More interesting, he stated that: "This war is now becoming a financial war. You have the St. Petersburg Forum next week. Or next month in June. They are expecting 81 nations to come in [to BRICS]. The purpose of this for is to consolidate support for the emergence of a new currency; of a non western world. [...] So these people are showing up and they are going to support this GOLD BACKED SYSTEM."
That should sound very familiar to anons:
It should be easy to visualize all the chess pieces moving into position now. Check mate is inevitable. 2024 is the final act. The beginning of the end. Agenda 47. Destroy the deep state. Destroy the fed. Destroy the cabal.
What are you talking about, fren? If you are talking about Milley, you need to read up on the ceremonial role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, vs the Combatant Commander role.
I do know what you're talkin about there, i've said it myself. joint chiefs and the pentagon assholes are just uniformed DC swamp. the 11 combat commanders are full on deep in the GAW and they're who Q is talking about when a drop says 'military is the only way'.
MacGregor is talking about the officer corps in general and he's right. IMO 0-6ish and up are mostly useless, self serving political backstabbers. and way, way too many generals and admirals. topheavy as hell.
the real mil is the e-4 mafia, some of the good upper NCOs and some low-mid level officers. plus of course the 11 guys who are really in charge ... really it's not much different from corporate America- medical, pharma, higher ed etc.. gotta do housecleaning everywhere, but I know it will get done.
I've been remiss in not mentioning a prevailing dynamic in the mil that's gone on for a long time- the desire for good people to move to elite units. not just for the prestige, but because you're serving with other people who are proven and there's less bullshit to deal with that is normal for the regular ranks. i'm sure the upper tier units have much less or no woke policies and people to get cleaned out. here's one of my favorites- their motto is Truth Overcomes All Bonds
Can 100% verify this. I spent roughly 7 years in SpecOps during my 24 yr career and the difference is night and day.
SpecOps are focused on getting the job done because lives/mission is paramount and we really didn't give a single fuck what ANYrank said to us outside our mission group. We knew they couldn't do shit to us and, if they tried, all it took was a phone call and a smile as we watched them getting thier ass reamed by someone way higher in the food chain.
Back in normal Air Force, the bullshit was neck deep. Everything was drama and higher ranks fighting over who had the bigger dick in the room. Was such a shock to me at how petty MFers could be over stupid shit rather than focusing on getting the job done.
So yeh, been there done that.
You would get a lot more recruits for the former than the latter if young men knew about this & could decide which of the 2 they would get sent to.
What I'm curious of is, WHO is on top of these special ops? WHO did that phone call ultimately reach? Please don't out anyone by dropping names but I'm just curious if, Trump, back when he was Commander in Chief of the military, wrote some sort of military order that would stand on it's own such that whoever that is on top of all the special ops can not be touched by the Resident or anyone else who thinks they are CiC
I was told that screw up in Tehran was intentional, that we supposedly "accidentally" left behind a list of Iranian's who were collaborating with us (who really weren't but it was a way to get the Iranians to execute their own top brass.
Masters of chaos.
Respectfully disagree with you, fren; however, thank you for your polite response. At least we agree that the work is getting done!
I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but MacGregor is shooting straight here. cleanup is part of the process. don't take this as doom in any way, shape or form.
glad we can have a civil discussion too fren. i'd like to keep it going, if you can drill down a bit i'm interested in your take.
okay, let me listen to it closely and I'll get back to you.
BTW just a small tangent - does anyone happen to know where the spelling 'fren' originated? Was it on 4chan or 8chan, or somepleace else?
Thanks, just wondering