Believe it or not, there is a reddit site about them - look under "meghanmarkle" and you'll find it - that is incensed about this and furious that:
Harry dissed the First Amendment a few months back, calling it "bonkers"
This fake pap chase was hugely insulting to the people of the USA in general and NYC in particular
Harry & Meg demanded that the photogs hand over all their pics and video, and the people are pushing back and saying, "We stand with the Founding Fathers that we don't have to do what royalty says!"
No kidding, this is all going down on a Reddit site. They are furious with CNN for parroting whatever Harry & Meg told them to say instead of reporting the truth.
Wouldn't it be insane if it's these two who finally start making people realize how fake and manipulated all of the news is these days, and how important the First Amendment really is?
Harry is trying to help undermine free speech in America:
The fake pap chase:
They claimed they were pursued by "aggressive" paps in Manhattan in a high speed chase for "2 hours" which was "nearly catastrophic." The mayor made a statement that a 2 hour high speed chase in NYC was not believable. Everyone who knows Manhattan even a little knows the slow, bumper-to-bumper, multiple traffic light congestion makes a "high speed chase" impossible. They were with their security in protective cars with blacked out windows, but got out at one point in order to board a yellow cab for about 15 minutes so that the paps could get some photography through the clear windows of the taxi. Meghan was smiling and Harry was filming the "chase" with his iphone. Taxi driver initially said he never felt any danger.
Harry demanded that the paps turn over all photography "to the crown," after which their employers (Backgrid, I believe) responded that there is no such authority as "the crown" in the US, and the photos are property of Backgrid.
It is suspected that H&M were trying to evoke the death of Princess Diana when she was in a speeding car driven by an allegedly drunk driver, no seatbelt, whilst trying to outrun paps, which seem to have only caught up with the car after the crash--no real need to speed. These were bad decisions, which begs the question as to what her security man was thinking.
This "chase" has taken place near Harry's court case in which he seems to be trying to maneuver his way into being granted IPP status:
If Harry gets IPP status, American taxpayers will be stuck paying their security bill, which is very expensive, as Harry is resident in the US.
I have heard some discussion that IPP status also means diplomatic immunity from being prosecuted for crimes. IF (if) this is true, then H&M would be able to commit crimes with no legal repercussions. (Cannot confirm at this time.)*
There is also some discussion about if H&M get IPP status, they might have access to a certain amount of sensitive high level security information, which, of course, could be abused. (Also cannot confirm at this time.)*
*Source: The Royal Grift, YT channel.
All I can see in my mind is Harry screaming, "Diplomatic Immunity," right before someone says, "just been revoked," upon ending his miserable time in this place in time.
Can't help myself, I love Mel Gibson movies...... :)
Now that's feckin comedy right there...
Extra style points for the prince popper if he does the Danny Glover neck roll before shooting
This is the only part of the post I disagree with. The "security man was thinking" that the car was being threatened, as in, someone driving near them showed a gun.
The driver was not drunk and was not trying to outrun paps - he was well accustomed to having photogs follow celebrity cars. The paps were not alongside the windows, but about one minute behind. The paps just wanted to see where they were going next.
Diana had no seatbelt because, as is procedure in a threat from a gun, she was ordered by the security man to sit down on the floor behind the front seat - which is where she was found after the crash.
Source: Death of a Princess: An Investigation. It's a paperback that came out years ago. You can read parts of it for free on Amazon. The whole incident makes sense after reading this.
I was trying to write the more or less "official" story, which is what most people have been taught to believe, and Harry seems to think it was the paps fault that his mother died. The day after Diana's death, a co-worker said to me, "Paparazzi killed Diana." Thus I think H&M were trying to make it look like paps were trying to kill Harry and Meghan. Or at least endangering them.
I have read a few different versions, but I personally believe it was a ritual satanic murder.
For sure. They wanted to be able to say, "You have to give us Internationally Protected Person (IPP) status! We're in danger! Look what just happened to us, just like the ones who killed Diana!"
Except none of that is true; H&M's little stunt was about as fake and inept as it gets; and no one believes them.
Now we're just waiting for the second South Park episode.