Today on patriot podcasts there was only a mention of the satellite phones issued to 50 members of the Senate.
There could have been lots of good questions like which 50? Was it partisan? Are they all Democrats or Republicans, working out of the sunshine with taxpayer funded phones? Fifty senators is more than the Intel committee of both sides.
On the chat I told everyone to call their senators! Taxpayer funded phones means we have a right to know!
I called Rick Scott's office. His wonderful aide called me back in 1 hour. Steve said they hadn't heard this and he looked it up and found it! (He said I was quick lol) He saw the Sgt of Arms put this forward and he is sending this where it needs to go, because they are all interested in the questions I have as well.
They will respond by snail mail, my preference. His staffer said if I didn't like the response to call him back and we will move further....he agreed it's our right to know, and he doesn't believe Senator Scott knew about this. He does now.
Maybe it's a way for the socialists to communicate shit amongst themselves.
Probably gave them all to democrats, so they can track them.
Or deepatate, uni-party or establishment, whichever you prefer to call them?
I prefer commie fags, but I don't use the term all the time.
Globalhomo also works.
Fags as in faggots.
As in bundle of sticks. "a bundle of sticks [or twigs] bound together [as fuel.]"
As in Fasces. "a bundle of [sticks] with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate's power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy."
Notice the fasces is on the left and right of the speaker's rostrum
It isn't by mistake.
It feeds their narcissism so they will hold on to their new special phones like Gollum squeezing his ring. Anyone remember the terrorist general that they lit up using his phone as a targeting device.
Stop with the hopium....kek!
Can't do it. I am hopelessly addicted. I call a home run every time at bat. When it happens, its going to be glorious.
That's too bad.
I really liked the boot.
maybe they're going to pull the plug on comms at some point and rely on this as a means of communication.. maybe when that happens it will be incredibly easy to hone in on where they are and snatch them up with a minimum amount of fuss or coverage? shrug
The FDA says the internet is going to go down in a few days.
Why does the FDA care and how do they know this will happen?
That was allegedly a "hypothetical."
Kinda like the Event 201, purely coincidence! KEK
maybe the FDA is one of the last institutions they fully trust to publish their BS?
In an emergency can they move forward with a simple majority vote if other Senators can’t be reached?
Interdasting. I will need to study that tactic/play/legal idea more.
I don’t trust anything the government does.
Agreed, though normies need to be shown specifics in my experience.
You know who else is getting phones? The military aged males crossing our border.