I'm all for no plane on both: the Pentagon, and the Pennsylvania field.
I'm not sure about WTC1/2 - plane/no-plane?
Still, it's an irrelevant point, thankfully (that would have made a nasty plane/no-plane division). It's irrelevant because WTC7 wasn't hit with a plane, and fell at approximately free-fall, straight down, and pictures show mostly into its own footprint.
WTC7 ended up being the smoking gun for that whole day, and i believe all 3 buildings were imploded, simply due to the fact there is not enough energy to compromise the buildings structure below 10-20 floors below WTC1/2's 'impact' floor... certainly not in the way we saw it go down boom.. boom.. boom.. floor by floor at a high rate of speed, right down to the ground floor.
I'm 100% for a re-investigation on this. But at this point we have bigger things to focus on.
Well said. It‘s like when someone said „Well if that‘s true then who did it?“
You got to investigate the crime and collect evidence. Wonder why they had GPS on the waste removal trucks taking all that steel out? Wonder no more. They controlled and reused that steel as quick as they could and some type of war ship with it, lol. Damn satanists.
Some planes may have gone "missing", but definitely no plane at the Pentagon. It was most likely a cruise missile. If planes hit WTC towers they were remote control tanker type aircraft and definitely NOT passenger planes as reported (it has been speculated that 767 tankers or 767 tanker prototypes had this capability for remote takeover/control). Should have been engine debris at the towers if there were planes. Engines are specifically designed with materials that have to withstand high stresses and heat, and this is why they are always physically visible after ALL type of crashes even if they are mangled.
Still unclear how all those people that were supposedly on the planes "disappeared", but that part of it looks like Deep State murder of people who were troublesome to them.
On the planes and WTC1/2 i'm of the opinion they were planes like you said. But i cannot for the life of me get by the controlled demolition nature of all the collapses.
I believe all the debris was scooped up and shipped away asap to hide the facts.
Generally, from the 80s-90s investigators pieced together things somewhere to get a better idea of what happened. That was not done here and it should have been. I believe if they had done this, the evidence of thermite cuts on the support beams would have been too obvious to deny.
When you watch the footage of the planes hitting the buildings, do you see any big parts falling to the ground? I see a clean entry of the planes followed by an explosion. I have never once seen a video where a large engine type "thing" falls and tumbles to the ground as the planes hit.
There was video of a plane hitting and you could see a smoking engine come out the other side of the building and arc to the ground. The engine was later filmed.
Planes landed and the people most likely were told they were part of a drill to gain cooperation with making phone calls. Then they were killed or let go on a planned disappearance. I think there were some on the plane in on it to help pull it off.
BTW the article at this link says "Her remains were recovered and eventually interred" yet I've never read or heard any details of 9-11 passengers' remains being recovered. 🤔
Slowed down footage of the plane hitting a tower shows it literally melting into it like a knife into butter. It just isn’t possible to do that and not leave plane parts falling off the side of the buildings. There were no plane parts anywhere because no planes hit the buildings. They took off, had their signals transferred to incoming missiles so that it looked like planes, the planes landed, the people told they were part of the drill and then killed. I saw an entire film on this 10 years ago and I absolutely think the scenario is plausible, especially when you have no plane parts. The rest was a Hollywood made movie clip that played over and over until it was buried in our brains to believe it.
I'm all for no plane on both: the Pentagon, and the Pennsylvania field.
I'm not sure about WTC1/2 - plane/no-plane?
Still, it's an irrelevant point, thankfully (that would have made a nasty plane/no-plane division). It's irrelevant because WTC7 wasn't hit with a plane, and fell at approximately free-fall, straight down, and pictures show mostly into its own footprint.
WTC7 ended up being the smoking gun for that whole day, and i believe all 3 buildings were imploded, simply due to the fact there is not enough energy to compromise the buildings structure below 10-20 floors below WTC1/2's 'impact' floor... certainly not in the way we saw it go down boom.. boom.. boom.. floor by floor at a high rate of speed, right down to the ground floor.
I'm 100% for a re-investigation on this. But at this point we have bigger things to focus on.
Well said. It‘s like when someone said „Well if that‘s true then who did it?“ You got to investigate the crime and collect evidence. Wonder why they had GPS on the waste removal trucks taking all that steel out? Wonder no more. They controlled and reused that steel as quick as they could and some type of war ship with it, lol. Damn satanists.
i agree, i just replied to someone else saying basically the same thing about the steel.
Some planes may have gone "missing", but definitely no plane at the Pentagon. It was most likely a cruise missile. If planes hit WTC towers they were remote control tanker type aircraft and definitely NOT passenger planes as reported (it has been speculated that 767 tankers or 767 tanker prototypes had this capability for remote takeover/control). Should have been engine debris at the towers if there were planes. Engines are specifically designed with materials that have to withstand high stresses and heat, and this is why they are always physically visible after ALL type of crashes even if they are mangled.
Still unclear how all those people that were supposedly on the planes "disappeared", but that part of it looks like Deep State murder of people who were troublesome to them.
On the planes and WTC1/2 i'm of the opinion they were planes like you said. But i cannot for the life of me get by the controlled demolition nature of all the collapses.
I believe all the debris was scooped up and shipped away asap to hide the facts.
Generally, from the 80s-90s investigators pieced together things somewhere to get a better idea of what happened. That was not done here and it should have been. I believe if they had done this, the evidence of thermite cuts on the support beams would have been too obvious to deny.
There was film of at least one engine on the ground.
When you watch the footage of the planes hitting the buildings, do you see any big parts falling to the ground? I see a clean entry of the planes followed by an explosion. I have never once seen a video where a large engine type "thing" falls and tumbles to the ground as the planes hit.
There was video of a plane hitting and you could see a smoking engine come out the other side of the building and arc to the ground. The engine was later filmed.
Planes landed and the people most likely were told they were part of a drill to gain cooperation with making phone calls. Then they were killed or let go on a planned disappearance. I think there were some on the plane in on it to help pull it off.
...like the wife of the very guy whose legal gymnastics in Florida in 2000 helped get GW Bush into office. Surprised I've never seen anyone connect the dots on that: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6048175/barbara-kay-olson
BTW the article at this link says "Her remains were recovered and eventually interred" yet I've never read or heard any details of 9-11 passengers' remains being recovered. 🤔
Slowed down footage of the plane hitting a tower shows it literally melting into it like a knife into butter. It just isn’t possible to do that and not leave plane parts falling off the side of the buildings. There were no plane parts anywhere because no planes hit the buildings. They took off, had their signals transferred to incoming missiles so that it looked like planes, the planes landed, the people told they were part of the drill and then killed. I saw an entire film on this 10 years ago and I absolutely think the scenario is plausible, especially when you have no plane parts. The rest was a Hollywood made movie clip that played over and over until it was buried in our brains to believe it.