🧨Woah…did anyone see this!? Paul Walker and Hillary Clinton. He was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation for crimes against children. And the bazar car crash and fire…🔥.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

Walker, Bennington and Cornell had all been to Haiti, yes. But the claim they were going to exposed the CF in Haiti has never been substantiated, to my knowledge.
I spent 200+ hours of research on Haiti and the CF.
Do you have a strong opinion on what happened with that group? Are they all in witness protection? Were they CIA and needed to be used elsewhere?
I certainly think there are a large number of connected people that are in WP. I personally investigated most of their 'deaths' and reminded people WP was a strong possibility. For example, I'm sure white hats knew Bennington was Podesta's spawn. Seems like a valuable witness.
Also, don't ignore POTUS45's time in Hollywood and how many connections he was making through the B-listers on his show.
Hes not podestas kid and theyre all dead
And the Bennington tweet about having information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton? Was that not enough proof for you?
I had to pull fron yandex. Google scrubbing searches.
Oh yeah, yet another fake tweet meme of that same exact statement, haven't you noticed these have been floating around for years, the exactly same worded tweet by multiple celebrities right before they died? LOL. Sometimes its Bennington, sometimes its Anthony Bourdain, sometimes its whoever died in the past 10 years that someone wants you to believe without real proof was suicided by HC.
do you think these people are still alive? odd that some of their twitter accounts are still verified which you need a personal phone number to do.
Lmao bro 🤣 😂 💀 😠🤦
let's see it...
yea maybe I got duped by a fake tweet. maybe its been scrubbed..I still hope hes alive.
My sons favorite band is linkin park. He was pretty upset about Chester. I love their music also. Music can carry you through bad times and I am appreciative for their work. When you have a child you would die for watching them struggle through tough times we could share the music and talk to each other. We would talk about the music and lyrics and how he was feeling. I will always hold a special place in my heart for their music. I don’t talk about the the conspiracies about Chester but I truly believe he was murdered over the work he was doing to save children.
I tell him that when all the information comes out about what happened he will be remembered as a special soul and he is with god.