I've been noticing that this here forum/home of ours has been getting increasingly more focused on "typical" conspiracy theory fare. I can get down with a lot of it tbh, I've been digging into most of the various topics I see now for years...BUT...for normies coming here, we HAVE to stick to as much factual information as possible.
Think about how all these posts about Biden being a clone or actor look to normies...or even some of Pentagon videos...
The post about Paul Walker and the Clinton Foundation with no sauce and just a low res snippet of an article...somewhere...
The reason the Anon community and Q has kept up momentum and has made such an impact is because it's been grounded in evidence. Typically evidence that comes out of mainstream news sources that normies read. We just connect some dots that normies are brainwashed out of.
Q hasn't posted in a long time. Many Anons are tired of the battles/war. We were warned this would be the case, so let's refocus. r/conspiracy became a wasteland of crap over time but it was allowed to exist for a reason. It was mostly junk and no one cared about what was posted because it was so outlandish that normies never bought into any of it.
Let's at least not sticky posts like the one claiming Biden is an actor when the images are clearly explained with the simplest explanation...plastic surgery. (All due respect to OP on that one)
This is an information war and there are likely dozens of groups who want this board shut down or delegitimized. What's the easiest way to do that?
Make us all look like nutjobs and flood the board with posts that mimic conspiracy boards of old.
Heads on a swivel Anons.
A little bit of gatekeeping is always necessary, look at how many times we've been flooded with flerfer and moon hoax nonsense right when something happens that brings newbies in here in an attempt to discredit us and scare them off.
Great comment and spot on, IMO... 👍
Spot on, BigMike. My comment to OP is this:
We honestly have already come a long way since the flat earther infestation on this site, amongst other things the Mods and community have dealt with.
...If you think Biden got multiple plastic surgeries that all make him look older and more frail, then i think you need to pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself.
First, ask yourself a few basic questions:
And why would the MSM allow this footage to be played on their channels, live in their news coverage, when they have the ability to edit things that are filmed live, because there is a built in 2 minute delay during livefeeds? Why would they air this live for all the normies to see?
Why is there a very high resolution stock photo of "him" on Getty images with a clear view of a tab right below his earlobe? (For reference, Getty images are all copyrighted, stock images. These are LEGIT images, not adulterated.) This tab is clearly part of the mask prosthetic that this actor/person portraying Biden was wearing at that time. This image is still on Getty images and in their permanent catalogue for all to see and use with a subscription to their services.
Why is "pResident" Biden getting "plastic surgery" every few months? His appearance is constantly changing.
Does plastic surgery also alter voice now? Why does he even need plastic surgery to alter his voice? And why so many surgeries to alter his voice with each different appearance of a different looking pResident?
It's not a conspiracy theory. It is conspiracy fact: there are different Bidens. It is more of a conspiracy theory to suggest plastic surgery, lol.
Educate yourself, OP.
Fuck me you have a long way to go. Don't worry someone in the government will do your thinking for you.
Unfortunately, even in the most "critically thinking" communities you still have your verboten topics. Being awake for 10 years I've seen some hilarious examples of hypocrisy when it comes to questioning things we've been taught. It's gatekeeping all the way down to some degree or another.
Eventually you learn to just let people go at their own pace and try to meet them where they're currently at. Some things are simply bigger hurdles for people to process than others.
Raised as a mormon we were taught that when the prophet speaks (church president) the thinking has been done for you.