Ok, hear me out ...... let's start off with 2 datums .... 1. We are watching a movie and 2. Trump is currently the "real" president acting as such.
So, if we are watching a movie and all the important actors are playing their parts well under control, why would any plan depend upon the variability of an election at this point? Why depend upon a single individual staying healthy etc. (i.e. Trump). It would seem if we are watching a movie then all important variables can be accounted for a coped with if it falls "wrong", an actor/controlled asset replaced etc. Also if the next election is vital, wouldn't Q be communicating to us to assist as such? Q has gone dark because we did most all thats needed of us until the normies awaken.
Secondly if Trump is actually doing his 2nd term, he does not get 3 per the rules (assuming we playing fair in that case).
If we are watching a movie, then we can assume most all individuals with power to affect real outcomes are under control (maybe the blackmail material is in white hats hands and they do what they are told like how RICO is run). It seems like Trumps first term was to put various last steps in place Space force, various EO's etc. and now he may only have a small part to play in the final stretch. Q did say they have plans "beyond Trump".
If we are "watching a movie", all vital variables must be under control at a probably impressive scale.
So any outcome is part of the plan now?
I'm not on board moving goal posts for this "plan" we know nothing of.
Me neither but it's extremely obvious to even the most casual of observers that the states have zero intention of modifying even slightly (let alone overhauling completely) their corrupt election fraud systems.
They aren't getting rid of the machines and mail-in ballots. Therefore the fraud IS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN, PERIOD. We all need to get over the silly idea that we'll just VOTE HIM BACK IN, as if elections were fair and honest.
So Trump winning 2024 is a fantasy fairy tale, at this moment anyway. Something for anons to feel warm and fuzzy and hopeful about. Does that mean nothing could suddenly change, or that Trump couldn't somehow beat the odds? Nope. He could.
Do you not think that much of the election fraud was done on purpose by the good guys/actors? It certainly seems like it had to be this way to me.
No. It happened because the corruption is far more deeply entrenched than any of us knew - maybe even than Trump knew.
These evil freaks have been literally running humankind for thousands of years and they will not give up their power easily.
Most of these people will never wake up. They don't want to and they won't. I know Q said "4-6% lost forever," but I think it's more like 40-60% lost forever.
They really are just like sheep. They are focused only on small immediate things like dinner and tomorrow's work schedule. They will never understand and don't want to understand. All we can do is try to protect them if we can. They will never join our side no matter what we tell them or try to show them.
It's up to us. We cannot wait around and hope these terrible things are "allowed to happen to wake up the masses." If they're not awake now, they never will be. You could show them video of hundreds of children being carried out of tunnels and they would insist it was fake. If you took them there and showed them in person, they would still insist it wasn't what you said it was.
When someone doesn't want to believe, they won't believe no matter what you show them. It's up to us.
I didn't downvote, but answer is no.
All good. I was just curious. Waking up the sheep was always going to be a long process. I don't think we would be this far along if Trump was allowed to win in 2020. Seems like it was done on purpose, however that process worked out.
Considering this budget bill is pushing off the financial collapse into the next term, maybe not.