266 TX Greg Abbott on Property Taxes.. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by winn 1 year ago by winn +266 / -0 78 comments download share 78 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Years ago while I was still in college my mom moved back to Arkansas to be near her mom and sister. She was shocked that she had to pay taxes on all her furniture, her car that she'd bought and paid for in Texas, etc. Taxed coming and going.
I am shocked that's a thing too because that's inarguable theft and extortion.
Wait, run that back. She was paying taxes on furniture and stuff she was MOVING from her old place to her new?
Or was it newly bought at the new city?
Messed up either way, but different degrees.
There was a word for it, but I forget. It's like she had to do an inventory of her house contents and belongings and pay a state tax for it all.
Definitely the worse of the two. Absolutely extortion.