posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +43 / -0

"I have thought about this a lot.

The military is the only entity defined by the Constitution as the ultimate authority in the case of the federal government utterly abandoning its duty. But in all honesty we do have people in government who are still trying to do the right thing, and SCOTUS, while flawed, still seems to have some serious intentions to uphold the law.

There are strict rules that govern what can be taken before the Supreme Court, and a lot of steps to get there. We can also assume they are threatened regularly, making it harder to get justice. SCOTUS may or may not be a viable answer.

But an overt military action must, and I mean absolutely must, be seen by the American people and by the world, as a means to restore order. It cannot be viewed as a coup.

There are massive ramifications for such a move. Flawed as it is the US is still arguably the most powerful entity on the planet. A visible military takeover of the federal government in the absence of a well defined clear and present danger to the country could spark panic, civil war, invasion from without, wars between nations that are held in check by the power of the US and, if led by the wrong people, a permanent military regime.

It is not simple, or without many perils. Many Anons have theorized that the military is already in control. That doesn’t necessarily mean armed soldiers on every street corner and treasonous officials being dragged to GITMO. Instead, it is likely that the military is steering the ship where it needs to go with psyops, quiet intervention, upholding oaths when asked to step outside of them and perhaps silently eliminating or “handcuffing” key players.

There may be a moment when the military becomes the obvious ruling authority to finish what we have started. In fact, I think it is almost assured.

But before that happens the federal government has to be given every opportunity to put the place back together. The states have to be given every opportunity to take back the enormous powers granted them in the Constitution and often abandoned in exchange for federal largess. The American people have to be crying for relief from federal tyranny. All of these things are necessary.

The military is the only way, but it is a narrow and careful path that they must tread. It is, IMO, short sighted to expect them to rush to the rescue ahead of schedule."