Someone really needs to ask and keep track of any spinning survivors that can explain their experience. Were they tracking something? Did they see something? What happened?
Death spiral. I've seen this first hand. Scary shit. Ceiling opened up and counterclockwise black and silver vortex spinning to suck you in. Scared the living shit out of me for days... Don't know what caused it or how I dodged it but it really shook me up good. This was 25 years ago. No drugs. No drink. Wondering if that's what they saw.
I get you, but I'm focusing on the spinning collapse... That's not normal except that lately(since the vax) it IS normal....
Someone really needs to ask and keep track of any spinning survivors that can explain their experience. Were they tracking something? Did they see something? What happened?
It is a thing.
Maybe it is Satan they hear saying, “I am coming for you. You’re mine now!
You can see him moving and the guy helping him up at the very end. Really glad that wasn’t a “vax” death.
What kind of idiots are those 2 just standing there doing nothing.
Yes, put life saving and CPR/AED training on the list of training from grade 7 and beyond instead of a study hall.
That is unfortunately the state of the world we now live in...NOBODY does ANYTHING anymore to help others.....
Because we see good guys go to jail or get sued for helping people and bad guys walk free after hurting people.
Yep desensitized
Death spiral. I've seen this first hand. Scary shit. Ceiling opened up and counterclockwise black and silver vortex spinning to suck you in. Scared the living shit out of me for days... Don't know what caused it or how I dodged it but it really shook me up good. This was 25 years ago. No drugs. No drink. Wondering if that's what they saw.
Circling, rotatory or Volvular seizures:
Maybe incidence is increasing or maybe the correlation to CVax is incorrect
they got caught by a case of the climate change
Turn the music down when you watch the video, it’s another one of those stupid videos with music to try to invoke an emotion from you