the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning.
That's really the key, I agree. Personally, I believe that BELIEF IN A COERCIVE GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND is the core of the fuckery.
I'm an abolitionist. We abolished chattel slavery; it's long past time to finish the job.
We need a civil society, without initiated coercion (including such things as eminent domain, taxation, and so on) sanctioned AT ALL. Initiating coercion is a crime, and that doesn't change just because the people committing the coercion say they're doing it as a government, or for "our own good," or anything else.
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong, and the arguments for retaining coercive government are not unlike those used in the South against the abolition of slavery.
J.R.R. Tolkien was right: Power is hellishly addictive and corrupting, and even using it with the intent to do good ultimately creates horrors. ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
The United States was (and still could be) a step in the right direction: a government set up by men who openly spoke of liberty and set rules in place to protect the rights of the citizens. That was a new thing in the world, and a good one. But it's not what we need, and until we finish the job we will always arrive back where we are now, under a growing tyranny.
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
The Market for Liberty is an excellent look at how a civil society -- one with no government as we know it at all -- would improve on what we have now.
I do not think this belief is the core, but it lays so close to the core that it is easy to make that mistake. Indeed, it is a mistake that I made as well for a while (if it is indeed a "mistake").
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong
Agreed. Civil society can work perfectly fine, but only if everyone (or a sufficient number of people) understand "the core of the fuckery," or rather, that they understand that which has been subverted to initiate the fuckery.
ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
I suggest the opposite. It doesn't matter WHAT form of government the populace of some jurisdiction (nation, state, municipality, etc.) desires, it can't do fuckery if sufficient people understand one single thing.
That one single thing, is a basic understanding of Reality and our place in it. To put it briefly, that is an understanding of the Sovereignty of the Individual and what their Jurisdiction is by Natural Law. With that understanding disseminated among the Individuals, the polity itself will respect it. It must, because the people will demand it if they understand this basic principle, and why it exists (i.e. how it is derived from the only law that is not an illusion, to wit, Natural Law). The reason that fuckery is impossible with this understanding is because all government law fuckery has a single nature: it makes fraudulent claims on the Individuals Jurisdiction. It makes these claims because people don't understand that they have a Jurisdiction, or what it is. That it enforces these claims through coercion is a secondary effect, thus the belief in the "rightness" of that enforcement is not core, but stems from a lack of understanding as to why the claim is fraudulent.
It is this understanding that has been subverted. It resides in the minds of everyone still, and it is this residue that is used to motivate change in society towards further subversion. Both "the left" and "the right" are constantly bombarded with different pieces of evidence of this subversion, and then given a plausible path out of it, without really understanding what it is that has been subverted. By this method everyone is both divided (because they are shown different pieces of the problem, and then told "the other side is lying"), and they are convinced they have been shown "the best path out," when in fact, because the understanding is incomplete, they are all led further into the subversion fuckery itself.
Of course "to be brief" leaves out what is required to communicate sufficient understanding, but I'm working on an explanation that shows not just what it is, in a way that all can understand (or at least "enough") but also gives an argument that I believe will show beyond a reasonable doubt how this understanding has been subverted, and how it is "the core issue".
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
You can't grow a tree without planting a seed (or at least avoiding running over it with a lawnmower if some other entity plants one for you).
So plant the seed, and avoid the lawnmowers. Maybe give it a little bit of water every once in a while. This is all that is required to Save the World.
That's really the key, I agree. Personally, I believe that BELIEF IN A COERCIVE GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND is the core of the fuckery.
I'm an abolitionist. We abolished chattel slavery; it's long past time to finish the job.
We need a civil society, without initiated coercion (including such things as eminent domain, taxation, and so on) sanctioned AT ALL. Initiating coercion is a crime, and that doesn't change just because the people committing the coercion say they're doing it as a government, or for "our own good," or anything else.
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong, and the arguments for retaining coercive government are not unlike those used in the South against the abolition of slavery.
J.R.R. Tolkien was right: Power is hellishly addictive and corrupting, and even using it with the intent to do good ultimately creates horrors. ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
The United States was (and still could be) a step in the right direction: a government set up by men who openly spoke of liberty and set rules in place to protect the rights of the citizens. That was a new thing in the world, and a good one. But it's not what we need, and until we finish the job we will always arrive back where we are now, under a growing tyranny.
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
The Market for Liberty is an excellent look at how a civil society -- one with no government as we know it at all -- would improve on what we have now.
I do not think this belief is the core, but it lays so close to the core that it is easy to make that mistake. Indeed, it is a mistake that I made as well for a while (if it is indeed a "mistake").
Agreed. Civil society can work perfectly fine, but only if everyone (or a sufficient number of people) understand "the core of the fuckery," or rather, that they understand that which has been subverted to initiate the fuckery.
I suggest the opposite. It doesn't matter WHAT form of government the populace of some jurisdiction (nation, state, municipality, etc.) desires, it can't do fuckery if sufficient people understand one single thing.
That one single thing, is a basic understanding of Reality and our place in it. To put it briefly, that is an understanding of the Sovereignty of the Individual and what their Jurisdiction is by Natural Law. With that understanding disseminated among the Individuals, the polity itself will respect it. It must, because the people will demand it if they understand this basic principle, and why it exists (i.e. how it is derived from the only law that is not an illusion, to wit, Natural Law). The reason that fuckery is impossible with this understanding is because all government law fuckery has a single nature: it makes fraudulent claims on the Individuals Jurisdiction. It makes these claims because people don't understand that they have a Jurisdiction, or what it is. That it enforces these claims through coercion is a secondary effect, thus the belief in the "rightness" of that enforcement is not core, but stems from a lack of understanding as to why the claim is fraudulent.
It is this understanding that has been subverted. It resides in the minds of everyone still, and it is this residue that is used to motivate change in society towards further subversion. Both "the left" and "the right" are constantly bombarded with different pieces of evidence of this subversion, and then given a plausible path out of it, without really understanding what it is that has been subverted. By this method everyone is both divided (because they are shown different pieces of the problem, and then told "the other side is lying"), and they are convinced they have been shown "the best path out," when in fact, because the understanding is incomplete, they are all led further into the subversion fuckery itself.
Of course "to be brief" leaves out what is required to communicate sufficient understanding, but I'm working on an explanation that shows not just what it is, in a way that all can understand (or at least "enough") but also gives an argument that I believe will show beyond a reasonable doubt how this understanding has been subverted, and how it is "the core issue".
You can't grow a tree without planting a seed (or at least avoiding running over it with a lawnmower if some other entity plants one for you).
So plant the seed, and avoid the lawnmowers. Maybe give it a little bit of water every once in a while. This is all that is required to Save the World.
Should be easy enough.