I am excited about this. This feels like real change is almost here. Yet, it feels scary as hell and dangerous. It feels like the start of the second or third act of a good show.
Same fren. And while the habbenings will continue, I still hypothesize the real action we all crave won't start until appx 2026ish. Televised trials, arrests, GITMO streams, etc
But as long as we keep seeing these habbenings habben - it's worth the wait.
Those years, 2020 - 2023, were brutal fren.
That shit can never happen again. But it needed to. I believe those 3 years, and even right now, are the precipice.
Not another 4 year Presidency; because it was a 4 year accelerated Deep State Presidency and the majority of the population was trained what to look for. Thereby causing a viral/semi-silent (censorship) awakening.
It's like living through an 8 part Matrix film at the speed of reality.
HenrytheRed; you bring out a good point...IT is Scary & Dangerous BUT NOT for President Trump....HE is holding ACES, (NOTE: He ran a New Jersey Casino and HE know how the game is played)...He has more tapes than a fox can count how long his tail is (metaphorically) AND it is ALL legal. When a President leaves OFFICE is just like one who is leaving a company for the last time...that is where the Presidential Records Act come into play...
This Shista Show is going to be WELL WORTH WATCHING because this is going to bring out the Rinos AND THE MALCONTENTS who want to do this country harm...
God Speed Patriot...for WE are the last Bastion of Freedom...Getting about time to lock & load!!! Metaphorically....🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
LETS GOOOoooooo!!🇺🇸🇺🇸
I am excited about this. This feels like real change is almost here. Yet, it feels scary as hell and dangerous. It feels like the start of the second or third act of a good show.
I am amazed at Trumps long term vision.
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ
Same fren. And while the habbenings will continue, I still hypothesize the real action we all crave won't start until appx 2026ish. Televised trials, arrests, GITMO streams, etc
But as long as we keep seeing these habbenings habben - it's worth the wait.
Those years, 2020 - 2023, were brutal fren.
That shit can never happen again. But it needed to. I believe those 3 years, and even right now, are the precipice.
Not another 4 year Presidency; because it was a 4 year accelerated Deep State Presidency and the majority of the population was trained what to look for. Thereby causing a viral/semi-silent (censorship) awakening.
It's like living through an 8 part Matrix film at the speed of reality.
Hate to break it to you, but we are not yet at the precipice.
"The precipice" refers to the ultimate precipice for mankind: nukes in the air.
Salvatore Pais. Starfish Prime. Sky event.
EAS. Comms blackout. 10 days.
The Great Awakening.
HenrytheRed; you bring out a good point...IT is Scary & Dangerous BUT NOT for President Trump....HE is holding ACES, (NOTE: He ran a New Jersey Casino and HE know how the game is played)...He has more tapes than a fox can count how long his tail is (metaphorically) AND it is ALL legal. When a President leaves OFFICE is just like one who is leaving a company for the last time...that is where the Presidential Records Act come into play...
This Shista Show is going to be WELL WORTH WATCHING because this is going to bring out the Rinos AND THE MALCONTENTS who want to do this country harm...
God Speed Patriot...for WE are the last Bastion of Freedom...Getting about time to lock & load!!! Metaphorically....🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
That frikken video gives me chills man.
Sharing it everywhere with the title:
This is why they HATE Trump. Ask yourself why they've been trying so desperately to get rid of him.
The truth ages well. Like a film that was filmed vs CGI.