posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +134 / -0

The reason Trump is unassailable is not his likability. It is also not blind sychophantism. It is not even his unflappable nature, incredible family, solid gold history of success or his crazily coiffed head.

He is unassailable because the majority of the people in the United States, and a vast majority of conservatives, want him as a leader. They want him because he is a leader.

Chew on that. We’ve probably never actually chosen a President in our lifetimes. It hasn’t all been fraud; just carefully chosen candidates who were either part of the machine or who fit a pliant profile that could be easily corralled.

When given an actual choice, we know what we want in a president. We want Trump. And now that we have seen Dirty Joe’s Floppy Bag of Applesauce Rainbow Variety Show we want Trump even more.

There is no approach that can change the minds of a tired American public. Cheating is their only option, and only if the cheating is purposely ignored.

