It is the lingua franca of Europe. Schwab is German so it follows that his English could / should be better than his Dutch considering much of his international business is conducted in English. Likewise vice versa for Rutte.
When you use a foreign language nuances can be lost. There is a famous story of a German general asking a US general to surrender. The response was: "Nuts!" Someone had to translate that and convey the exact meaning.
What you want to say can be constrained by what you can actually say in that language. If you say what you mean in your own language then you have fully-trained professionals to carry out the interpreting which should result in the most exact representation of what you were saying.
If some people do not speak English then they still need interpreters but the process is affected because it is effectively being translated twice: once from the speaker's native language into English and then into English to, say, Swahili. Detail is lost both times.
Someone raised a good point: Why is this in English?
It is the lingua franca of Europe. Schwab is German so it follows that his English could / should be better than his Dutch considering much of his international business is conducted in English. Likewise vice versa for Rutte.
Global language is English at least for now.
Then why do people speak their native languages at things like the UN assembly etc and have interpreters still?
I've heard that English is the language of business, but not the world.
Apologies, I am a bit late here!
I think there are a few reasons:
When you use a foreign language nuances can be lost. There is a famous story of a German general asking a US general to surrender. The response was: "Nuts!" Someone had to translate that and convey the exact meaning.
What you want to say can be constrained by what you can actually say in that language. If you say what you mean in your own language then you have fully-trained professionals to carry out the interpreting which should result in the most exact representation of what you were saying.
If some people do not speak English then they still need interpreters but the process is affected because it is effectively being translated twice: once from the speaker's native language into English and then into English to, say, Swahili. Detail is lost both times.
Any way we can prove the letter is legit?
Unless we have it forensically, I don't see how.
I would accept a link from like a .gov site. If it's "been made public" it would be made public on some .gov page.
yes. See if anyone can dig it up.
Any “control” is equivalent to corruption.
Amen to that fact.
Who are the Forum's Global Shapers? Is there a listing of these people?
I'll see if we an dig it up.