Coward Vaxx Pusher and Debate Dodger, Dr. Peter Hotez, Linked To Chimeric Corona Virus Creation
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The ol Labcoat LARP trick. "Mr. Science" as role playing character.
Rule of thumb: Anyone called 'expert' by MSM probably isn't.
Like Dr. Jill? Whoopie G. goes on what a great dr., Jill is. pathetic!!
a lot of people are all over this so called scientist to debate RFK Jr on Joe Rogan over vaccines. he's using the excuse to NOT debate is because RFK Jr., is a lawyer and has great debate skills. what a loser.
Those who are the loudest ...
2020 was the year of the death of the "expert".
This dude looks like a gig actor for old highschool safety lab room videos. It's awesome seeing the lizard people dragged out into the light for the world to see.