I have Faith in God.
I have faith in the Plan.
I think God is working through the Plan.
That being said, I see the news and continue to hear normies repeating it--and I just can't help but think that "we ain't seen nothin' yet" when it comes to what people need to be shown in order for them to wake up.
The level of desensitization is so high among so many people that nothing seems to phase them... and the slow drip has actually reinforced that desensitization. And unfortunately, if we don't see real hardship and suffer real pain--economic, social, psychological, etc., then the Awakening will not reach enough people. But NCSWIS, so that must mean that there will be a moment--perhaps the precipice--when almost everyone is thunderstruck and suddenly awake (that is, if they believe it... and the only way they will believe it is if it has personally impacted them).
I feel like we reached a point where the level of corruption has been revealed to us, but too many people don't care or defend the Biden family (and others) just because they hate Trump. It is still way too many people. We talk about Anons being a small group of digital warriors making a difference... well, even if 10% of idiots refuse the truth, that's 30+ MILLION people. That's not a number that will result in peace and understanding.
What's my point? I feel like we're in the eye of the storm, in fact, and there hasn't been a lot of hardship, yet. But I think we will pass out of the eye of the storm soon and enter the most dangerous part of the storm, meaning that real pain and suffering will wash over this country. It has to be that way in order to overcome the desensitized mindsets of so many people still asleep.
Therefore, although we may be aware and thus more ready, we will also be challenged because the pain will be real for us, too. Many of us have lost jobs or businesses, friends and family, and other assets and opportunities. I think it will get worse... and that is why we are important to each other as a community. Faith in God, and faith in the Plan... and faith in each other. I guess that's what I wanted to say. Thanks for reading.
I once was taught, believed in, and argued for dispensationalism until I was challenged and went looking for myself.
The one question I get asked alot by Rapture believers is why would they teach it. The answer is simple, what could discouraged and destroy someones faith so close to the end? And that brings me back to your original statement. Believing you were left behind as the world goes dark around you, will leave alot of good people faithless and angry, just before the final great harvest.
As for versus supporting the Rapture, sure you can torture scripture enough to mean or say whatever you want. This is known as Eisegesis, and it happens all the time..
1 Cor 15:52: in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
and 1 Thess 4:17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
There are other verses that provide evidence of a "rapture"; the question is whether it is a pre- or post-tribulation rapture. The theory that a final testing of faith will occur before the rapture actually makes sense.
Yes we will be caught up, but it most likely will be after wide scale destruction. It won't be a physical catching up but a spiritual one. Matthew 13:24-30 The wheat and tears will continue to grow together until that day of Harvest. https://biblehub.com/kjv/matthew/13.htm
I have been reading your post and agree. After Babylon falls we are told to repay her double. In obadiah 1:18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire and Joseph a flame.... then Micah 4:13 Arise and thresh oh daughter of Zion. And Jeremiah 51:20 Thou are my battle axe and weapon of war... These verses and more that are sprinkled throughout the psalms lead me to think what Sunday Christians are calling the rapture is really the day of the Lord. The resurrected body of Christ is his army, is his battle axe. Two things off the top of my head concern me. Isaiah 13:12 I will make man more rare than fine gold. (Not all men but his men, Israelites or Christians if you prefer. And Isaiah 66 talks about if a man kills an ox it will be as though he killed a man. That is where the left is taking us and Bill Gates is the leading devil on these two sign post. With this understanding verses that say "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" and "A thousand shall fall at thy side and 10,000 at thy right hand." And "10 shall put 100 to flight." And yet best of all "we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is".
Well done, and it sounds like you share my reverence for sound Biblical Truth. You have made many excellent points and additional perspective. I personally believe the "Church" is in the state of apostasy Paul warned us of. With the "Doctrine of Devils" almost everywhere, including (and perhaps most importantly to the Luciferian occulists of the Mysteries) the Body of "Believers".
This is describing the resurrection of the righteous and those left alive at His second coming. See post below for more context.