From the first sentence of the second paragraph...temporary restrictions will be applied to access to the internet IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC AREAS DURING NIGHTTIME HOURS (dans certains quartiers specifiques pendant les heures nocturnes).
Thus, it does not look like a full internet blackout throughout the country as much as a nighttime blackout in problematic areas.
Agreed, citizens can still use the telephone, and services to hospitals, urgent services and critical infrastructure. They are only cutting the internet in areas where there is violence.
So, the foreign kids in Switzerland are taking up the baton. One must wonder how all these NATO wars in fuzzy-wuzzy-land caused displacement and simmering resentment - even in a civilized, but armed-to-the-teeth country. Interesting that it is all teenagers though. They prolly won't get shot at by the ex-military population, until it gets out of hand.
The people need to rise up!
“ That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
From the first sentence of the second paragraph...temporary restrictions will be applied to access to the internet IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC AREAS DURING NIGHTTIME HOURS (dans certains quartiers specifiques pendant les heures nocturnes).
Thus, it does not look like a full internet blackout throughout the country as much as a nighttime blackout in problematic areas.
Agreed, citizens can still use the telephone, and services to hospitals, urgent services and critical infrastructure. They are only cutting the internet in areas where there is violence.
However, it is still a worrisome development.
Translation here says pretty much what you think it will.
read an article it is spilling over in Switzerland, that kinda sucks, everyone there owns a gun, can't wait to see how that one is going to turn out!
Would be interested to see said article...
Some sort of looting in Lausanne apparently, and sounds more like a local antifa taking advantage of the chaos to mess things up.
You mis-spelled coke.
thanks for link.
So, the foreign kids in Switzerland are taking up the baton. One must wonder how all these NATO wars in fuzzy-wuzzy-land caused displacement and simmering resentment - even in a civilized, but armed-to-the-teeth country. Interesting that it is all teenagers though. They prolly won't get shot at by the ex-military population, until it gets out of hand.
The Gateway Pundit has a translation.
I read the date as Feb 7th.
A trap for young players. Really LOL when the formatted settings are wrong in a spread-sheet.
get some sources pls.
I seen it in an Aussie q group, shared from whiplash347
The people need to rise up! “ That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
this was accomplished in the US cities, since no one was there to defend them, they were burned
the formula had to include corporations that were ordered not to protect their property while this happened.
the proximity of these cells and command structures were also notable
you see, the tecnos that cheated us in the election had strongholds in the cities while they noshed on starbux and panda bear chinese food.