they are there praying to Satan. In Revelation (believe chapter 2), throne of Satan is in Greece. I know someone said it's in Geneva, but if you really check out the info, Greece.
They are there doing the fire dance like on top of Mount Carmel asking for Satan to save them.
Was that a solar-powered Yacht built from recycled materials?
I thought so.
Hahaha. You are great. You would have thought so, right?
Or it’s the Gitmo express. They THINK they are going on a luxury yacht trip.
You might be correct. Gitmo Express.
they are there praying to Satan. In Revelation (believe chapter 2), throne of Satan is in Greece. I know someone said it's in Geneva, but if you really check out the info, Greece.
They are there doing the fire dance like on top of Mount Carmel asking for Satan to save them.
God should just send down fire from the sky for them like Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am sure God knows and planned ahead.
All of them baby eaters ..did hanks bring Wilson?
They brought Him Wilson
All satanists.
big mike would be good.
Did you watch the fotos? They really don't look like party, holidays or happy!!!
They looked posted.
..., exposed and very worried
I am sure they are worried. Maybe they be all fake actors and actresses.
Well I surely hope that f'ed their day up.
They looked like they are either laughing at us or they are all actors there.
That sounds like the setup for a joke but I'm afraid to hear the punchline.
International water. Get him.
You are probably right. If you look on revelation, throne of Satan is in Greece. Coincidence?
They all look pretty miserable.
They all looked stage to me. Maybe it's just a photoshop thing.
They gotta go in a yact to talk about their plans to escape
Oh good one.
Bike Mike’s bulge looking better and better.
What was she holding on her right hand?
I believe that’s just part of her dress blowing in the wind.
I wonder if they had any pizza delivered by submarine?
I am sure they would if they are still in charge. Not sure they are any more.
Those fags sure stick together.....
Of course they fags stick like birds of a feather flock together.
I don’t believe any of them are still alive.
The rumors have been they were all in Gitmo.