Without Them, We Are Slaves
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Yes, 'government' is included in 'those who would do them harm'.
On that note, I'd like to offer a particular perspective on what government actually is, why the USA is so revolutionary as a practice, and why government must be kept in check. I hope you might find it interesting.
This is a big picture view. Broad strokes. But to me, they inform my sense of things in a big way.
It all starts with the problem of the human condition that originated in the 'Garden of Eden'. The view draws on this scriptural foundation, but takes it a bit further. Sort of like 'looking at the whole map' approach that Q exhorts us to take with the Q drops.
God the creator created his cosmos in two key dimension: the spiritual world and the material world. These were designed to interact and relate to each other as the mind (spirit) and body (flesh) interact and relate within each man and woman.
Human beings (let's call them Adam and Eve) were created as the centerpiece of God's creation, as microcosms, because they have both spirit and flesh. However, God also created angels, spiritual beings that do not have a body and physical life, as servants to administer many things and essentially support and serve his children, Adam and Eve, to aid them in fulfilling the purpose God created them for: to be his representatives and rule of the universe as God's children.
Thus, there are two natural orders represented here: Adamic (son) order and Angelic (servant) order. The natural adamic order is one where each child of God executes self-governance. Centering on God, each human being is required to govern himself and his. Authority rests with God, with Christ the first born, and then with each individual after that. It's a non-hierarchical system.
However, the Angelic order is a hierarchical order, where authority flows top-down, via the angelic hierarchy. In this framework, there are angels whose work involves directly serving human beings, other angels that have responsibility for supporting and sustain the animal world, the vegetable world, the mineral world, etc.
One of the 3 archangels (aka "top" angel with control over myriads of other angels) was Lucifer. He was in a position of teacher and tutor to Adam and Eve, but still a servant whose mission was to educate them and help them to reach 'perfection, as your heavenly father is perfect'.
However, Lucifer lost his way (a long story) and instead of maintaining his position as a servant to Adam, he rose up, put himself in the position of master OVER Adam. He executed this unlawful move via first tempting Eve and then tempting Adam through Eve.
If Lucifer had NOT fell and then tempted and successfully seduced A& E, then instead, through maintaining faith in God's commandment, Adam and Eve would have grown to full spiritual maturity, and their family would have grown and multiplied to become a God-centered clan, ethnic group, society and nations, eventually a world, all of which would operate under the principle of God-centered self-governance
However, Lucifer fell to become Satan and gained dominion over Adam and Eve because A&E fell into faithlessness, and so as their family multiplied, they all implemented hierarchical systems of governance and control, aka the "angelic order' which was inherited from Lucifer.
It's no coincidence that the Israelites instigated a governance system that was essentially self-governance, and only actually adopted a kingship system against God's desire.
Gradually over time, the foundation to separate out of the angelic hierarchical systems of governance, to reclaim the position as God's children, was first accomplished through Jesus. Thus, Christian civilization was always directed towards establishing 'self-governance' where the people, and the individual within the people is sovereign, under God, not under a king or collective of lords or anything like that.
The point here is that 'government' systems are inherently hierarchical, because there are actually in the servant position (aka 'angelic position') to the people, who are in the master (aka 'adamic' position).
Historically, governments, whether a theocracy, monarchy, oligarchy, feudal system, etc, have always exerted sovereignty of the people under them because this pattern was first established in the Garden when Adam fell and Lucifer put himself into the position of (false) sovereign over Adam.
It's no coincidence that the US constitution encapsulates and embodies most of the common law principles that emerged in Christendom and particularly in Christian England. All of cultural history, guided by God, has been flowing towards the direction of restoring the children of God to their correct original positions of being sovereign under God.
Christ came not only to open the door to spiritual salvation, but to begin a process whereby the conditions could be carved out, step by step, to restore humanity to its rightful position as masters over the angelic world and all angelic systems, where the (true) kingship of Christ will eventually be restored over the whole world, and each son and daughter of God being sovereign under Christ.
Satanic version of kingship and governance are hierarchical, and the king rules over and controls and dominates the people primarily through the power of force. But the true Kingship of Christ is not one where the King controls all aspects of your life, but rather, hands control over to you, and rules only through the power of love and truth, not coercion or force.
The USA is revolutionary because it was in fact the first time in recorded human history where the government system (which is correct the servant operating in an angelic hierarchical system) was put in the position of servant, and the people finally rose to the correct position of sovereigns (under God).
Given the flow of history, the USA was created by God using the Founding Fathers (and the American people) as the first among many nations, as the beachhead. But this process will only be fully completed when Christ returns to open the door not just to spiritual salvation, where spiritually we can dwell in a spiritual dimension where Satan (aka the Fallen Angel) is NOT ruler but God is, but to also open the door to physical salvation, creating a world where Satan is no longer ruler even in the material world, but where the world and humanity are sovereigns under God.
We are at that point in the process now. All the material mechanisms by which Satan has exerted ACTUAL control over the physical world and humanity in the world are now being exposed, and are in the process of being purged.
An adjunct to this is to understand that through the Fall, Adam and Eve inherited certain 'angelic' characteristics from Lucifer. The tendency towards corruption comes from the original corruptor, Lucifer. Thus, whether in government, religion, or economic systems, hierarchical structures have infiltrated and corrupted. It's not a coincidence that with the flow of time, the Christian practice has 'evolved' from the hierarchical Roman Catholic Church through different forms (denominations) each iteration emphasizing self-governance more and more.
Wrap that all up, and the message is this: hierarchical systems of governance where the people - the individual - is not sovereign under God, these systems are manifestations of the angelic nature that came to dominate humanity through the fall of Adam and Eve. Jesus came not only to open the door and give spiritual salvation, but also to begin a new process where through the word, a foundation would be gradually built over time and humanity prepared so that each individual would be fully restored to true sovereignty under God in a world free of satanic control and dominion.
That's the reason Jesus told us he would return. It's NOT just to spread the gospel of spiritual salvation, but in fact, the spreading of that Gospel and the movement of human beings out of the Satanic spiritual domain to the Heavenly Christ-centered spiritual domain is the FOUNDATION on which the material world is to be liberated when Christ returns. Christ truly came to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That a kingdom where Christ is King, but each person is also a co-ruler with Christ, sovereigns as children of God, not servants and not slaves to a servant, who unrighteously and unlawfully deceived the first human ancestors into handing over their birthright to him.
And that is why We the People, must ALWAYS be vigilant and never allow 'government' to behave like a ruler or master over us. "Especially their own government".
What do we have, Mr. Franklin? A republic, if you can keep it.
very well written thank you
Kek. Actually poorly written (so many typos and grammatical slipups), but the themes are good, right?
Will have to rewrite this out sans all the grammatical errors....
my English professor was one of the best professors I had. He used the class to teach kids how to think. A moronic person could write something grammatically correct. so lets not focus too much on the grammar and more on the content. That is what is important anyway.
PS. I write for a living, and my work requires me to have correct spelling and correct use of grammatical practices. Not because they are important in themselves, but because they are key to accurate communication, which is what my work requires.
But when I write online, I'm often rushed, slapping out content, and I don't proofread my postings as much as I should.
Don't worry that I'm making a big deal about grammar like a nazzi or something. I don't. But "well written" in my book means mastery of all dimensions of the communication, from form (words, spelling, grammar, etc) to themes, content, turn of phrase, eloquence, etc.
One of my favorite sayings is:
Meaning, Form, Communication. The form isn't important in it's own right, but it's part of the medium by which meaning is conveyed.
Anyway, that's how I see it.
If you appreciated what I wrote, that's really what's important to me. The rest is about process.