Laws for thee, and not for me
Your time is almost up- keep squawking
Gates Foundation = nope the fuck out
LOL, his bookie just bitch slapped him for late payment
In 1987 they were looking for an explanation for massive numbers of BABIES dying from AIDS in Africa. and at the time the only connections were the smallpox and polio vaccines-- so the "bullshit" you speak of, lead to the masses learnng about SV-40- and chunks of SV-40 DNA in vaccines- so in 1987 they were looking for answers- oh the fucking nerve to discuss reasonable causes.
I lived thru that shit- Fauci said the same words then and recycled them during covid- do you know what they said cause 75 million people to get AIDS?!?!
The first story= a fucking monkey bit a native African on his ass, he gave it ro a prostitute and the pros gave it to a banker, who gave it to his girlfriends and then 75 million got Aids
And not connected to Fauci??? You cannot be serious, whatsover...
Gimme a fucking break
this fucker has been murdering for decades
Nazi salute? GTFO
Try and sniff my hair, bitch
Diddled their adopted daughter and married her-
Yup' we know a few, there are a few good SES, but outnumbered AND collecting retirement from previous GOV service- SES are 99% retired Federal LEOs, collecting that fed LEO retirement AND maxing out at top GS-15 pay (which was $155k about 10 yrs ago) So retirement is top for fed LEO, and making max top rank pay at top decision making positions
Our friend protected at Pres as SS, and collecting retirement while serving as top official in charge of Intl Airport TSA security collecting pay at $155k
That's $155k PLUS retirement divs
But muh muh muh Book $$$$ make me important
LO fucking L!!
Now you really know how the commies operate- it's called USEFUL IDIOTS
GFY in the Face
Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent To blow up the King and Parli’ment. Three-score barrels of powder below To prove old England’s overthrow; By God’s providence he was catch’d With a dark lantern and burning match. Holla boys, Holla boys, let the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! And what should we do with him? Burn him!
Replace it with the lipstick picture!
The SES is the cancer! It is the Deep State
He looks like he has the nastiest bad breath ever...
Here it is directly from website
All 3 of his wives = smart and beautiful...
To be replaced by another snake?
Chief Liar Pants on Fire got OWNED- "I am not a General, Ma'am." Go write another fake Indian recipe you dirty bitch
Good to see the extra $20 for cost of living adjustment...
When insurance companies lose money, they discontinue their services- I read that for every premium $1 collected, they were paying out $1.87. With the state mismanagement on just about everything, it makes zero sense to keep offering policies in CA
But who will do all his laundry?
And Maui, and the NoCal fires...
Well, i assume the condoms were to help the Gaza goats- there's been a problem with goat STDs