posted ago by seagoatz ago by seagoatz +72 / -0

Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the film, but it shouldn't be any surprise.

In the movie, one of the main characters describes the laughter and clapping of children as "the sound of freedom." And while it might seem like a cheesy line to some, it is a true statement. The sound of happy, innocent children at play is the sound of a healthy society. And we don't hear that sound anymore. At best, our children are addicted to technology and formed into self-obsessed, entitled narcissists. At worst, they are indoctrinated by deviant fetishists, or sexually abused, or, in the absolutely most evil scenario, sold into sex slavery as the film portrays. While there are pockets of innocent, protected children around the country, our world is sick. And we no longer hear the laughter of children because children carry the burden of the damaged adults at the helm of society.

I am a teacher, one of the few conservatives left in the field. In my job, I have encountered so many children who come not only from broken homes, but have experienced various forms of abuse and neglect. I have one whose father was arrested last year for drug-manufacturing, and another who lost all his teeth because he chewed on furniture in response to being raped over the course of several years. And those are only two examples of the damaged kids I've seen lately. Young people's minds have grown so dark and hopeless that the only satisfaction they find is in the fantasy world of video games, social media, and pornography.

The movie is right. Until we hear the widespread innocent laughter and outdoor play of children and teenagers again, our world remains enslaved. Adults must start with themselves and spread this healing and joy to all young people. The last few generations, starting particularly with the Baby Boomers, have been lost. We must get right with God and with our souls before anything will improve. Most of us are not there yet.