This might just rank as the most disgusting BS I have heard in the past two years. He speaks with such confidence, unafraid and boastfully. I say with absolute conviction that the American people must (not should) completely boycot and bring down Disney in all their business endeavors. The remiainig (small cult) that support Disney isn't near enough volume to keep their doors open. Basically, the majority of Americans are finished with this sick, derranged, corrupted sexualization of our youth. It's done. Over. As for me, Disney died in this one single, public declaration of who they are, what they are and how they plan to be. Goodbye Disney.
Of course this is Mark Dice in disguise and it is still hilarious. :)
Gotta Love the DiceMan!
Thank goodness! I was watching this thinking "this has got to be a troll!"
Flair for SHITPOST just so you know this is not real but fictitious fun to what they probably do think or say behind closed doors and off camera.
Oh wow, I didn't catch the flair, thank you for clarifying.
I came here intending to rip big-D a new assHole big enough to swallow up that fake ass castle!
normalize... as in, make normal something that is abnormal. is that still what that word means?
It is.
What's scary is that this video doesn't seem like a shitpost.
This might just rank as the most disgusting BS I have heard in the past two years. He speaks with such confidence, unafraid and boastfully. I say with absolute conviction that the American people must (not should) completely boycot and bring down Disney in all their business endeavors. The remiainig (small cult) that support Disney isn't near enough volume to keep their doors open. Basically, the majority of Americans are finished with this sick, derranged, corrupted sexualization of our youth. It's done. Over. As for me, Disney died in this one single, public declaration of who they are, what they are and how they plan to be. Goodbye Disney.