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Joined up with an artists' group over at Truth Social. Ran into this post:
The response is also though-provoking:
While both participants of the conversation are not MAGA-men, they do have a point that the Arts is one area we all are neglecting very much to our determent.
Maybe we at GAW could brainstorm ways to win over the artists?
We are taking back the culture on so many fronts. Even Hollywood. It's time to do so with art, to make art patriotic again.
As we're finding in the country at large, I'm sure there are a lot more of us than are visible. For each of those 500 I bet there are many more who are staying silent so as not to blow their cover and lose business. I also bet the audience for high end patriotic art, and the buyers, is bigger than we see right now. And you know it will grow as the Great Awakening blossoms. Pent up demand anyone?
The past few weeks I've been giving a lot of thought on how to make Patriotic Art a "thing." As damnImgood wrote below, a renaissance. I feel it's a case of getting ahead of the curve.
I've been digging around and thought, "where would I posit such a thing with like-minded souls?" Came here this morning, have never looked at chat before, and here's The_Knight's post.
The idea of winning over the artists is a great way to view it. Taking a stand for America together.
For me, the ultimate goal would be fine art exhibits in museums, commercial galleries etc. with a big build up to 2026. In fact, that may be our natural opening since art venues will be looking for patriotic art. By then the country will be clamoring for apple pie American everything.
The_Knight, what's the Truth group? I had started posting patriotic art on my profile the 4th, been looking, and didn't find such a thing.
Yeehaw, I'm not alone!
This is the art community where those complaints.in my post comes from. It is not really MAGA-art community, it is for the generic artist not necessarily for MAGA.
I'll get back to you when I found something more MAGA.
Thanks for the link. I see what you mean. My idea is to start one that in patriotic, not MAGA. Pure apple pie love of country.
I haven't tested it out yet, but I know that you could start up your own group, or at least the button exists.
Oh yes. I agree with this absolutely. Creative types are largely shunned here. My wife dedicates her life to perfecting her manga and anime craft..all in traditional mediums such as watercolor and ink. We often lament how artists are brainwashed by the left. We also lament digital artists and how they really have no place comparing themselves or pretending their work is as challenging or painful as ours.
The idea a woman should only be raising babies barefoot in the kitchen and field stripping deer is too common in conservative circles. The idea men should be hard and emotionless and art is for soyboys. Yeah, we need to eradicate that way of thinking
Most modern "art" deters me from looking at it.
The use of the word art , every time a person touches a space with a medium, paint, pen, cursor, spray paint with stencil, is what drives me crazy. Everything is called art now, the word itself is used liberally. A lot of it is tracing, it is craft, not art. I will not put an Andrew Wyeth painting in the same league as someone who makes comic book illustrations. There are some great American artists, if you do not care for the modern works. But calling a person an artist just because they paint or draw as a hobby or pastime, doesn't seem right. Nor do I think the artist has to make money on what they make. But to call it all "art" is a liberal stance, anyway. In that case you may as well call every spider out there an artist.
Considering what modern "artists" can do with procreate, illustrator, ai, etc I think anyone who devotes their life to the traditional mediums is a true artist, because the layers, the blends, the complexities, take so much time and effort. I see my wife work in watercolor, fountain pen ink, colored pencil, etc everyday and it is mindblowing to see the effort put in. She was literally cramping and shaking after finishing a piece the other day.
There is an element of subjective choice. I think those Wyeth paintings are boring and uninspiring but I can acknowledge the high degree of technique and innate talent needed to put out such works. But to reduce someone like Hirohiko Araki to a crafter or a tracer, you might as well be a liberal art school professor. A reason my wife dropped out of art school is because her passion, manga and anime, was looked down upon as not art and 6 years of liberal indoctrination would not have made her a better mangaka, only bitter and miserable and unsure of herself.
Look at these links
https://files.catbox.moe/o72f4w.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/la680y.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ly3wvv.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/5lm9c5.jpg
Not art, right? Remember, all art is tracing. You sit in front of a naked woman, you are tracing her. We are just mere mortals trying to approximate God's glory through paints and brushes. We will always fall short, but that attempt, that desperate leap of faith to for a mere moment on paper be immortal...that is art.
Life drawing, realism, landscaping, impressionism, anime, manga, comics, are all still art forms.
I hate modern art and digital art too but you can still go out and make real art yourself or support small artists who make real art. For every used tampon on a wall modern artist living off a government grant, there is an artist spending all their money on supplies and doing realism pet portraits, still life, anime/manga, etc
I'm looking forward to a great renaissance of art and science in the coming years. Architecture, music, drama, literature, breakthrough discoveries in medicine. All is available.
Then find some artists whose styles and works align with your own better and give them your patronage with your eyeballs and good word of mouth.
Artists live and die by reputation.
I agree
But for some the process is the reason why
My wife does not sell, we rarely post her stuff, but she puts every ounce of her being into her anime and manga art. Her peers will do it all digital in an hour with no challenge, she will painstakingly spend hours or days brush in hand..
for the sake of the art itself, because that is her magnificent obsession.