Deep State justice
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The white dude didn't even kill anyone, it was a fat bitch who died of a head attack.
Was her head stuck so far up the south tunnel that she suffocated?????
Inquiring minds want to know!!!
LOL. Heaven help commenters when they make a typo.
Good Lord.
There is only one reason behind shit like this... To make white people actually racist and attack joggers for being joggers. Apparantly there isn't enough racism from white people.
Justice is blind, yeah right. Not in today's world.
I'm working on a project when this mockingbird keeps singing.
Ole Heather Heier = HH = 88 = Heil Hitler. Also Susan Bro/Donna Soto’s daughter.
While there is a solid truth to this story given that the book was thrown at a white man while a black man walks free for what is roughly the same crime, he shouldn't have used violence just because he was attacked by a mob. That being said, the correct sentence for both would be 30 years to life.
"He shouldn't have used violence just because he was attacked by a mob."
If I'm attacked by anyone, and I have nowhere to run, I'm fighting back. The idea that people shouldn't be able to defend themselves goes against everything our brains are wired for. We literally produce adrenaline in dangerous situations, and if our ancestors did not act on their flight or fight response, we would not be here.
You dont need to have somewhere to run, except in the more asinine parts of this country. Stand Your Ground is the only sane way to govern. Bad people should be afraid to instigate because good people can defend themselves with lethal force, and no moral or legal obligation to retreat as far as possible as a prerequisite
The reason I mention running, is because I have been imprisoned for defending myself with less-than-deadly force against attackers that were trying to use deadly force.
They all used violence on me first, but none of them were even brought up on charges and had to face a judge. Because they all work for the government.
That whole experience has really been a wake up call on how weak they want this country to become.
Is this a roundabout way of saying you beat up some cops?
It seems like you were going to prison for something else if the cops were jumping you
They surrounded him and he had no choice. Self defense used to be legal. They were going to kill him
The worse part is the person who died he did not hit with his vehicle. She died trying to run away and then her fat obese ass had a heart attack.
"Alexa, what is the most jaw-dropping insanely moronic thing I have read this week?"
Congrats on what hopefully will be the most retarded thing you’ve said in your life. It’s only up from here!