Easy. The guy who proved the source of ulcers. It's a bacteria. That's an organism. If you put the organism in your body, it makes you sick, with ulcers. That was literally the test he performed. There's your pathogen.
None of this is true. If it were, he would have proved Koch's Postulates and the pseudoscientists the world over would point to this as their proof. But they don't. Why? Because no such thing happened.
If you're referencing a scientific paper, you need to read the "Methods" section, not the fallacious abstract or conclusion. In it you will see no such thing was accomplished. Further, you won't find any duplicated studies which is a basic requirement of the scientific method.
Bacteria are produced BY YOUR BODY, you don't "catch them". Royal Rife and Gaston Naessans, both persecuted into oblivion for their dark field microscopes saw exactly this. Bacteria are the microsurgeons of the body. They outnumber all other cells combined 10:1. And there's no such thing as "good" vs "bad" bacteria. They all perform a role required by the body.
Ulcers are the result of a hanging anger conflict - effectively the result of people dealing with circumstances they literally "can't stomach". The psyche removes tissue temporarily to help the individual be able to "better stomach" things. It doesn't understand figurative thoughts. The psyche takes them literally.
Good on you for seeing through the psyop!
There's no such thing as an "immune system". The medical mafia made it up in 1972 to be precise, somehow overlooked by the anatomists of the previous 300 years who managed to located all of the body's other "systems". They just hijacked the lymphatic system and made up a bunch of nonsense like "antibodies" and "killer T-cells" out of thin air. The whole thing is a lie and it's easy to see if you're willing to look into it. From Virchow to Jenner to Pasteur to Fauci, and everybody in between. All frauds.
"Germs" as the word generally implies are very much NOT REAL. Boogeyman-viruses don't exist. Bacteria are a temporary form of the microzyma/somatid (the real "God particle") responsible for all of what we call "life". Fungi are also produced by the body to separate and quarantine tissue under repair.
It's a "half-truth" that "bacteria cause dis-ease". They don't in the least, but when created and called upon to repair/remove temporarily altered tissue, it is true that their activity generates putrefaction, the by-product of them eating away temporary tissue, and this does indeed make you "feel sick". But the work they do is vital and necessary as they return the body to a state of homeostasis after going through a conflicting life situation that they psyche has responded to, doing its best to continue one's survival.
Taking anti-biotics (against-lifes), aka "poison", arrests the repair work and leaves your tissue/organ in a forevermore depleted state, weaker than it was prior to your conflict. Just what the doctor ordered, eh? Another lifelong customer to keep the cash registers chugging along.
Man wants to pretend to be God all the time, but we're not.
Truer words have never been spoken. Take your own advice here and now try and imagine how "man" knows what's best for the human body. I can tell you with absolute certainty that western medicine is 95% lies and deceptions. The only value it has is in emergency care, 99% of which wouldn't be needed if "man" understood the truth about health and dis-ease. The bible warns us numerous times about the destructive nature of fear and judgment. These two emotions, if entertained for extended periods of time, are the cause of all dis-ease. Bar none.
Separate what you BELIEVE from what you actually KNOW and you will come to see what I'm saying. Germ THEORY is just that, a THEORY. In actuality it's a totally *REFUTED HYPOTHESIS now, but very few are interested in finding this out for some reason. They'd rather just go on believing the lies, for reasons I don't understand.
None of this is true. If it were, he would have proved Koch's Postulates and the pseudoscientists the world over would point to this as their proof. But they don't. Why? Because no such thing happened.
You keep mentioning "Koch's Postulates" as if it means something or is a modern pertinent example. It is not. Koch himself abandoned them because they were unworkable. It doesn't mean that other theories don't exist and aren't in use.
The main problem with the postulates is simple. You can get an infection without becoming symptomatic. That invalidates one of the claims. It doesn't destroy the idea, it just means his particular four point test was incomplete and unrefined.
If you're referencing a scientific paper, you need to read the "Methods" section
I'm not, I'm referencing a particularly well known example of the type of proof you seek and one that involved self-experimentation by the scientist himself. It's well known for a good reason. I'd take the time to dig into it.
Take your own advice here
You have a seeming tendency to break the world down into a binary of pure black and white that I did not anticipate when starting this conversation. I do not see the world this way, and will argue in those terms. I'm not sure this can be as productive as I had hoped.
You keep mentioning "Koch's Postulates" as if it means something or is a modern pertinent example. It is not. Koch himself abandoned them because they were unworkable. It doesn't mean that other theories don't exist and aren't in use.
They're "unworkable" because nobody could demonstrate dis-ease causation worked this way. And many tried, for decades. A rational person with no agenda would quickly come to the only logical conclusion which is -> "microbes do not CAUSE dis-ease". But once your career and reputation are on the line and the medical cabal is backing you and your partners in crime, you've got to pivot somehow. This is all easily explained.
It's al quite simple. If nobody can take bacteria that are said to be the CAUSE of a dis-ease and make healthy people sick with said dis-ease, then the THEORY must be scrapped. And this is precisely what all their scientific results showed. Again and again and again.
The main problem with the postulates is simple.
Yes it is. But you either don't understand just how simple it is, or you're in denial of their simplicity.
You can get an infection without becoming symptomatic.
This statement is a classic example of building a strawman argument, which is required to hide the total failure of satisfying Koch's Postulates.
Now, flip the tables. I'll play the game of "strong immune system" with you, even though no such "system" exists in reality. But let's say this is all true for argument's sake. Now, you must explain why all attempts to demonstrate Koch's Postulates resulted in VIRTUALLY NOBODY getting sick. If 5% of the people in your scientific experiment come down with symptoms, but 95% are "not symptomatic" would you consider this "proof" of your theory? Are we to now conclude that 95% of the people just happen to have a "strong immune system"?
Would any sane and rational scientist stick with this THEORY with only a 5% success rate? Well this is what they've effectively done for over 100 years. It would seem the "sane and rational scientists" must learn to "go along to get along" or else find themselves without a job/career shortly thereafter. Do you think this is a possibility?
It doesn't mean that other theories don't exist and aren't in use.
I don't know what you're implying here. What other THEORY is "in use" in establishment medicine?
I'm referencing a particularly well known example of the type of proof you seek and one that involved self-experimentation by the scientist himself.
You're referencing Barry Marshall I presume. So you're willing to defend the entirety of germ theory based on a sample size of one doctor who had a pre-determined agenda? This is not scientific evidence of any kind, wouldn't you agree? Where are the follow-up experiments? Were his results proven to be accurate with large sample sizes? Did other experimenters replicate his findings?
I can guarantee you that some other researchers tried to replicate his findings. And I can also guarantee you they all failed. And this is why there are no follow-up experiments. Because when they fail, they don't publish and bury their results. Very simple.
Now, what if I told you I could sample 100 random people off the street and perform the same test as Marshall, and perhaps 3-5 would indeed "get sick" just like Marshall did. Would that prove his findings correct or would you stop and consider some other possibilities with such a low success rate?
I'd bet the farm that those 3-5 people were struggling with an anger conflict, a situation in life they "could not stomach" to be precise. Such a conflict could easily be ascribed to Marshall after all his failures to prove his H-pylori theory. He was sure he had it figured out, but all his experiments failed. Next he drinks the bacteria, sure that it's going to work. And bang, he starts to feel bad. This is encouraging to him. He resolves his anger conflict and now his body begins producing the form "H-pylori", right along with the bacteria he drank.
Basically the same holds true for our 3-5 who get sick. They are all dealing with anger conflicts, likely taking anti-biotics to kill their own gut bacteria, but drinking them re-initiates their activity again.
Perhaps there are even another 5 who are actively on anti-biotics at the time, and they have a "minor reaction" to the test.
But the other 90, not currently dealing with any anger conflicts, don't have any reaction at all.
This is a superior explanation that actually makes logical, rational sense. The inferior explanation, by a landslide, is that the other 90% just had a 'strong immune system". Without any proof at all to back it up. You'll find all of mainstream allopathic medicine rests on these unverifiable claims. They can't prove they're right, and thus, we can't disprove what they claim. It's like me asking you to prove that leprechauns don't exist.
You have a seeming tendency to break the world down into a binary of pure black and white that I did not anticipate when starting this conversation.
Really? I'm only interested in truth, provable facts, scientific evidence. It either exists, or it doesn't exist. What I'm sharing with you is backed up by science and hundreds of case studies. What the establishment is sharing lacks even a modicum of scientific evidence. What happened one time to one guy is about as far from scientific proof as we can get.
I do not see the world this way, and will argue in those terms.
You'll have to demonstrate how you think "I see the world as black and white" with an example. As I see it, either the establishment can provide rigorous scientific proof of their claims, or they can't. If you rationalize this away as me "seeing black and white", there's really nowhere for us to go, is there.? There is actual science, and then there is pseudoscience. The western medical establishment is largely based on the latter. "Germ theory" is a completely refuted hypothesis in truth. It's been a failed theory since the days of Pasteur and Koch. They disproved themselves countless times, and then turned around and lied about it. Pasteur admits as much in his diaries. He was a snake, a thief, a plagiarist, a liar, a failure as a chemist, and most of all, a fame-seeking politician in reality. And this is the guy in all the textbooks that has 37 "infectious dis-ease centers" around the world named after him. Fauci, Einstein, Freud, Darwin, Jenner, Pasteur - these are our MODERN DAY heroes of science. And they are all fundamentally wrong. Do you see the pattern?
I'm not sure this can be as productive as I had hoped.
I don't know how this conversation could be any more productive? If you wish to defend germ theory or why Koch's Postulates are "outdated" or "irrelevant", as I've heard many pseudo-experts state in recent years, you'll need to explain exactly why from the "positive example" side of things, not the negative. As I see it, anything less than a 50% success rate on transferring microbes to healthy people and making them sick with the dis-ease demands a deeper investigation. That all known efforts to prove the postulates, which are EXTREMELY difficult to find BTW, demonstrate a 0-5% success rate should put an end to this long-ago disproven THEORY.
Please explain how you think my reasoning is incorrect. As to the "black and white" issue, as I see it, either the medical establishment is lying to us, or they're not. There's no "gray area". I'm quite confident in stating they're absolutely wrong about every claim they make about dis-ease causation. They don't have one right. It's not germs, toxins, carcinogens, diet, lifestyle, nor their never-proven "GENES nonsense. They've never been able to prove one of these claims....because none of them are even remotely true. If you look closely at their claims, you'll see all generate a form of FEAR in you, take your power away, and engender VICTIM CONSCIOUSNESS in the masses.
This is the primary agenda of the cabal and everything they do is an effort to make you feel scared and helpless so as to continue their apparent domination over us. Their fraudulent medical system is just one lever of their machine of deception.
But hey, I'm all ears if you can demonstrate how I'm mistaken. Unlike most people you run across in this world, I'm ready and willing to admit when I'm wrong. I don't operate on "beliefs", like the majority do. I know that you can't upend a belief with a fact, because beliefs aren't based on any facts. And beliefs are what the western medical system is based upon. The only value in any of it is in emergency/trauma care.
New article released today detailing the chronology of the "cholera epidemic" and Robert Koch's continued failures throughout. With a little research and effort, you'll find this pattern of deception to be the case for ALL "pathogenic germs" we have been bamboozled on.
The "heros" of modern medicine were anything but. All those venerated today were, quite simply, pathological liars.
The "h-pylori bacteria", which is merely a temporary form, is no different. It takes from and becomes active when a tissue restoration process in the gut is underway. The loss of tissue prior to this due to an anger conflict in which the psyche is attempting to widen the stomach to help someone better "stomach a situation" they're angry about. When the conflict is resolved, the bacteria restore the temporarily necrotized tissue. Most "stomach ulcers" are the result of a back-and-forth, in-and-out, anger conflict that gets resolved, then reactivates over and over again. It is quite true, however, that when the bacteria are activated, this is when the pain occurs. This is the "true" part of the "half-truth" surrounding the fallacious claim that "bacteria cause dis-ease".
The people at the highest echelons of establishment medicine have promulgated virtually nothing but lies and deceptions to keep the masses weak, sick, beholden to "the experts" and most of all scared of the world around them.
I enjoy reading your perspective on this topic. We need more discussion from Terrain theorist like yourself in here. I think you have some valid points, and I’m totally willing (if not already there) to jettison germ theory all together.
Question: How would a terrain theorist categorize something like salmonella? If someone eats food with salmonella in it, then they get sick.
Thanks for your support. However, I'm not a terrain theorist in the last. As much as I love some of the work by doctors Kaufman, Cowan, Sam & Mark Bailey, etc. when it comes to the boogeyman-viruses, I think they're entirely wrong about terrain theory. They can't name one cause for one dis-ease, because it's not true. They've adopted the "multifactorial causation" model of the allopaths...which is euphemism for saying "we don't really know".
Salmonella poisoning is eating the bacterial putrefaction process of spoiled food. It isn't the bacteria that make you sick, it's their "shite" effectively.
I'm in the GNM/GHK camp. That unexpected life situations that we aren't able to quickly resolve eventually lead to all dis-eases.
None of this is true. If it were, he would have proved Koch's Postulates and the pseudoscientists the world over would point to this as their proof. But they don't. Why? Because no such thing happened.
If you're referencing a scientific paper, you need to read the "Methods" section, not the fallacious abstract or conclusion. In it you will see no such thing was accomplished. Further, you won't find any duplicated studies which is a basic requirement of the scientific method.
Bacteria are produced BY YOUR BODY, you don't "catch them". Royal Rife and Gaston Naessans, both persecuted into oblivion for their dark field microscopes saw exactly this. Bacteria are the microsurgeons of the body. They outnumber all other cells combined 10:1. And there's no such thing as "good" vs "bad" bacteria. They all perform a role required by the body.
Ulcers are the result of a hanging anger conflict - effectively the result of people dealing with circumstances they literally "can't stomach". The psyche removes tissue temporarily to help the individual be able to "better stomach" things. It doesn't understand figurative thoughts. The psyche takes them literally.
Good on you for seeing through the psyop!
There's no such thing as an "immune system". The medical mafia made it up in 1972 to be precise, somehow overlooked by the anatomists of the previous 300 years who managed to located all of the body's other "systems". They just hijacked the lymphatic system and made up a bunch of nonsense like "antibodies" and "killer T-cells" out of thin air. The whole thing is a lie and it's easy to see if you're willing to look into it. From Virchow to Jenner to Pasteur to Fauci, and everybody in between. All frauds.
"Germs" as the word generally implies are very much NOT REAL. Boogeyman-viruses don't exist. Bacteria are a temporary form of the microzyma/somatid (the real "God particle") responsible for all of what we call "life". Fungi are also produced by the body to separate and quarantine tissue under repair.
It's a "half-truth" that "bacteria cause dis-ease". They don't in the least, but when created and called upon to repair/remove temporarily altered tissue, it is true that their activity generates putrefaction, the by-product of them eating away temporary tissue, and this does indeed make you "feel sick". But the work they do is vital and necessary as they return the body to a state of homeostasis after going through a conflicting life situation that they psyche has responded to, doing its best to continue one's survival.
Taking anti-biotics (against-lifes), aka "poison", arrests the repair work and leaves your tissue/organ in a forevermore depleted state, weaker than it was prior to your conflict. Just what the doctor ordered, eh? Another lifelong customer to keep the cash registers chugging along.
Truer words have never been spoken. Take your own advice here and now try and imagine how "man" knows what's best for the human body. I can tell you with absolute certainty that western medicine is 95% lies and deceptions. The only value it has is in emergency care, 99% of which wouldn't be needed if "man" understood the truth about health and dis-ease. The bible warns us numerous times about the destructive nature of fear and judgment. These two emotions, if entertained for extended periods of time, are the cause of all dis-ease. Bar none.
Separate what you BELIEVE from what you actually KNOW and you will come to see what I'm saying. Germ THEORY is just that, a THEORY. In actuality it's a totally *REFUTED HYPOTHESIS now, but very few are interested in finding this out for some reason. They'd rather just go on believing the lies, for reasons I don't understand.
You keep mentioning "Koch's Postulates" as if it means something or is a modern pertinent example. It is not. Koch himself abandoned them because they were unworkable. It doesn't mean that other theories don't exist and aren't in use.
The main problem with the postulates is simple. You can get an infection without becoming symptomatic. That invalidates one of the claims. It doesn't destroy the idea, it just means his particular four point test was incomplete and unrefined.
I'm not, I'm referencing a particularly well known example of the type of proof you seek and one that involved self-experimentation by the scientist himself. It's well known for a good reason. I'd take the time to dig into it.
You have a seeming tendency to break the world down into a binary of pure black and white that I did not anticipate when starting this conversation. I do not see the world this way, and will argue in those terms. I'm not sure this can be as productive as I had hoped.
Anyways.. best of luck to you.
They're "unworkable" because nobody could demonstrate dis-ease causation worked this way. And many tried, for decades. A rational person with no agenda would quickly come to the only logical conclusion which is -> "microbes do not CAUSE dis-ease". But once your career and reputation are on the line and the medical cabal is backing you and your partners in crime, you've got to pivot somehow. This is all easily explained.
It's al quite simple. If nobody can take bacteria that are said to be the CAUSE of a dis-ease and make healthy people sick with said dis-ease, then the THEORY must be scrapped. And this is precisely what all their scientific results showed. Again and again and again.
Yes it is. But you either don't understand just how simple it is, or you're in denial of their simplicity.
This statement is a classic example of building a strawman argument, which is required to hide the total failure of satisfying Koch's Postulates.
Now, flip the tables. I'll play the game of "strong immune system" with you, even though no such "system" exists in reality. But let's say this is all true for argument's sake. Now, you must explain why all attempts to demonstrate Koch's Postulates resulted in VIRTUALLY NOBODY getting sick. If 5% of the people in your scientific experiment come down with symptoms, but 95% are "not symptomatic" would you consider this "proof" of your theory? Are we to now conclude that 95% of the people just happen to have a "strong immune system"?
Would any sane and rational scientist stick with this THEORY with only a 5% success rate? Well this is what they've effectively done for over 100 years. It would seem the "sane and rational scientists" must learn to "go along to get along" or else find themselves without a job/career shortly thereafter. Do you think this is a possibility?
I don't know what you're implying here. What other THEORY is "in use" in establishment medicine?
You're referencing Barry Marshall I presume. So you're willing to defend the entirety of germ theory based on a sample size of one doctor who had a pre-determined agenda? This is not scientific evidence of any kind, wouldn't you agree? Where are the follow-up experiments? Were his results proven to be accurate with large sample sizes? Did other experimenters replicate his findings?
I can guarantee you that some other researchers tried to replicate his findings. And I can also guarantee you they all failed. And this is why there are no follow-up experiments. Because when they fail, they don't publish and bury their results. Very simple.
Now, what if I told you I could sample 100 random people off the street and perform the same test as Marshall, and perhaps 3-5 would indeed "get sick" just like Marshall did. Would that prove his findings correct or would you stop and consider some other possibilities with such a low success rate?
I'd bet the farm that those 3-5 people were struggling with an anger conflict, a situation in life they "could not stomach" to be precise. Such a conflict could easily be ascribed to Marshall after all his failures to prove his H-pylori theory. He was sure he had it figured out, but all his experiments failed. Next he drinks the bacteria, sure that it's going to work. And bang, he starts to feel bad. This is encouraging to him. He resolves his anger conflict and now his body begins producing the form "H-pylori", right along with the bacteria he drank.
Basically the same holds true for our 3-5 who get sick. They are all dealing with anger conflicts, likely taking anti-biotics to kill their own gut bacteria, but drinking them re-initiates their activity again.
Perhaps there are even another 5 who are actively on anti-biotics at the time, and they have a "minor reaction" to the test.
But the other 90, not currently dealing with any anger conflicts, don't have any reaction at all.
This is a superior explanation that actually makes logical, rational sense. The inferior explanation, by a landslide, is that the other 90% just had a 'strong immune system". Without any proof at all to back it up. You'll find all of mainstream allopathic medicine rests on these unverifiable claims. They can't prove they're right, and thus, we can't disprove what they claim. It's like me asking you to prove that leprechauns don't exist.
Really? I'm only interested in truth, provable facts, scientific evidence. It either exists, or it doesn't exist. What I'm sharing with you is backed up by science and hundreds of case studies. What the establishment is sharing lacks even a modicum of scientific evidence. What happened one time to one guy is about as far from scientific proof as we can get.
You'll have to demonstrate how you think "I see the world as black and white" with an example. As I see it, either the establishment can provide rigorous scientific proof of their claims, or they can't. If you rationalize this away as me "seeing black and white", there's really nowhere for us to go, is there.? There is actual science, and then there is pseudoscience. The western medical establishment is largely based on the latter. "Germ theory" is a completely refuted hypothesis in truth. It's been a failed theory since the days of Pasteur and Koch. They disproved themselves countless times, and then turned around and lied about it. Pasteur admits as much in his diaries. He was a snake, a thief, a plagiarist, a liar, a failure as a chemist, and most of all, a fame-seeking politician in reality. And this is the guy in all the textbooks that has 37 "infectious dis-ease centers" around the world named after him. Fauci, Einstein, Freud, Darwin, Jenner, Pasteur - these are our MODERN DAY heroes of science. And they are all fundamentally wrong. Do you see the pattern?
I don't know how this conversation could be any more productive? If you wish to defend germ theory or why Koch's Postulates are "outdated" or "irrelevant", as I've heard many pseudo-experts state in recent years, you'll need to explain exactly why from the "positive example" side of things, not the negative. As I see it, anything less than a 50% success rate on transferring microbes to healthy people and making them sick with the dis-ease demands a deeper investigation. That all known efforts to prove the postulates, which are EXTREMELY difficult to find BTW, demonstrate a 0-5% success rate should put an end to this long-ago disproven THEORY.
Please explain how you think my reasoning is incorrect. As to the "black and white" issue, as I see it, either the medical establishment is lying to us, or they're not. There's no "gray area". I'm quite confident in stating they're absolutely wrong about every claim they make about dis-ease causation. They don't have one right. It's not germs, toxins, carcinogens, diet, lifestyle, nor their never-proven "GENES nonsense. They've never been able to prove one of these claims....because none of them are even remotely true. If you look closely at their claims, you'll see all generate a form of FEAR in you, take your power away, and engender VICTIM CONSCIOUSNESS in the masses.
This is the primary agenda of the cabal and everything they do is an effort to make you feel scared and helpless so as to continue their apparent domination over us. Their fraudulent medical system is just one lever of their machine of deception.
But hey, I'm all ears if you can demonstrate how I'm mistaken. Unlike most people you run across in this world, I'm ready and willing to admit when I'm wrong. I don't operate on "beliefs", like the majority do. I know that you can't upend a belief with a fact, because beliefs aren't based on any facts. And beliefs are what the western medical system is based upon. The only value in any of it is in emergency/trauma care.
New article released today detailing the chronology of the "cholera epidemic" and Robert Koch's continued failures throughout. With a little research and effort, you'll find this pattern of deception to be the case for ALL "pathogenic germs" we have been bamboozled on.
The "heros" of modern medicine were anything but. All those venerated today were, quite simply, pathological liars.
The "h-pylori bacteria", which is merely a temporary form, is no different. It takes from and becomes active when a tissue restoration process in the gut is underway. The loss of tissue prior to this due to an anger conflict in which the psyche is attempting to widen the stomach to help someone better "stomach a situation" they're angry about. When the conflict is resolved, the bacteria restore the temporarily necrotized tissue. Most "stomach ulcers" are the result of a back-and-forth, in-and-out, anger conflict that gets resolved, then reactivates over and over again. It is quite true, however, that when the bacteria are activated, this is when the pain occurs. This is the "true" part of the "half-truth" surrounding the fallacious claim that "bacteria cause dis-ease".
Here's the article for your perusal: https://mikestone.substack.com/p/kochs-cholera-catastrophe
The people at the highest echelons of establishment medicine have promulgated virtually nothing but lies and deceptions to keep the masses weak, sick, beholden to "the experts" and most of all scared of the world around them.
I enjoy reading your perspective on this topic. We need more discussion from Terrain theorist like yourself in here. I think you have some valid points, and I’m totally willing (if not already there) to jettison germ theory all together.
Question: How would a terrain theorist categorize something like salmonella? If someone eats food with salmonella in it, then they get sick.
Thanks for your support. However, I'm not a terrain theorist in the last. As much as I love some of the work by doctors Kaufman, Cowan, Sam & Mark Bailey, etc. when it comes to the boogeyman-viruses, I think they're entirely wrong about terrain theory. They can't name one cause for one dis-ease, because it's not true. They've adopted the "multifactorial causation" model of the allopaths...which is euphemism for saying "we don't really know".
Salmonella poisoning is eating the bacterial putrefaction process of spoiled food. It isn't the bacteria that make you sick, it's their "shite" effectively.
I'm in the GNM/GHK camp. That unexpected life situations that we aren't able to quickly resolve eventually lead to all dis-eases.
Ah! Interesting you don’t categorize yourself as a T. theorist. Cool cool.
Makes sense about salmonella. Thank you for that.
And finally, what is GNM/GHK camp? Not familiar with those acronyms…
I started right here, looking up various dis-eases I or friends/family have/had in their lives. https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/sbs_index.html