We were bombing Afghanistan to ensure poppy production, not stop it. Rothschilds own the opium trade worldwide, and they also own The United States of America.
The CIA/USA invaded Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 to reestablish the opium production that the Taliban had eliminated. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did Osama bin Laden as he said a couple of times before he died from kidney failure shortly after 9/11. The Mossad, CIA, and MI6 were the primary perpetrators of 9/11.
The CIA/USA did once bomb a country for producing opium. The country was Laos, the most headily bombed country in the world, because they were interfering in the CIA/USA opium racket in Thailand. Hollywood even did a movie about the Thailand opium racket, Air America. Bombing Laos was the real reason the USA started the Vietnam War. Based on first hand info from about 5-years ago from a Laotian, the cluster bombs the B-52's dropped on Laos are still killing and maiming people, mostly children.
The U.S. States of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico all have locations that are sister climates to both Afghanistan and Iran, so why don't pharmaceutical companies grow and produce it in the USA?
Opium does have medical uses, so I guess my biggest question is why the hell aren't we growing it in our own country? For that matter, on an equally profitable (and less controversial) note, why aren't we cornering the market on Saffron production? Gastronomes the world over would thank us.
We were bombing Afghanistan to ensure poppy production, not stop it. Rothschilds own the opium trade worldwide, and they also own The United States of America.
The CIA/USA invaded Afghanistan immediately after 9/11 to reestablish the opium production that the Taliban had eliminated. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did Osama bin Laden as he said a couple of times before he died from kidney failure shortly after 9/11. The Mossad, CIA, and MI6 were the primary perpetrators of 9/11.
The CIA/USA did once bomb a country for producing opium. The country was Laos, the most headily bombed country in the world, because they were interfering in the CIA/USA opium racket in Thailand. Hollywood even did a movie about the Thailand opium racket, Air America. Bombing Laos was the real reason the USA started the Vietnam War. Based on first hand info from about 5-years ago from a Laotian, the cluster bombs the B-52's dropped on Laos are still killing and maiming people, mostly children.
The U.S. States of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico all have locations that are sister climates to both Afghanistan and Iran, so why don't pharmaceutical companies grow and produce it in the USA?
Opium does have medical uses, so I guess my biggest question is why the hell aren't we growing it in our own country? For that matter, on an equally profitable (and less controversial) note, why aren't we cornering the market on Saffron production? Gastronomes the world over would thank us.
What is wroong WiTh yOu? SuPpOrT tHe CuRrEnT tHiNg!!!!