There's another interpretation that comes to mind. The CIA always projected themselves as the ghost in the machine because it sparks paranoia in their targets. Over the past seven years, military intelligence has often employed the deep state's own tactics against them. This is not an exception. Military psyops have turned the tables and they are the ghost in the machine now. The intel community is being driven to paranoia. "Drive your enemy to distemper." "Hunters become the hunted." etc.
Hmmmmm timing re SOF. Boomerang. Not everything is as it seems. Hidden in plain sight. Movie is lighting up. Sunlight being the best disinfectant of course. Create buy in to "child trafficking lite" using diversionary docudrama like SOF (possibly clown released), through negative publicity in MSM and crazy fanning in alternate media; then's not what they show as "horrific", it is much worse than you could believe. Hence the truth is not for everyone. Question everything. That is our job.
Back on the point of the video notice how the ghost is changed from black to white.
Looks like a huge comm.
The message I get from that is military intelligence unmasking the clowns in entertainment and news media as CIA spooks.
Agreed. As fingers are pointed, the masks will also be taken off.
There's another interpretation that comes to mind. The CIA always projected themselves as the ghost in the machine because it sparks paranoia in their targets. Over the past seven years, military intelligence has often employed the deep state's own tactics against them. This is not an exception. Military psyops have turned the tables and they are the ghost in the machine now. The intel community is being driven to paranoia. "Drive your enemy to distemper." "Hunters become the hunted." etc.
Hmmmmm timing re SOF. Boomerang. Not everything is as it seems. Hidden in plain sight. Movie is lighting up. Sunlight being the best disinfectant of course. Create buy in to "child trafficking lite" using diversionary docudrama like SOF (possibly clown released), through negative publicity in MSM and crazy fanning in alternate media; then's not what they show as "horrific", it is much worse than you could believe. Hence the truth is not for everyone. Question everything. That is our job.
Clown > ghost
Yeah that seems pretty meaningful
"Clown" == CIA?
"Ghost" == PsyWar allies?