I've heard us called the "silenced" majority, due to being censored and under-represented in media, but the signs that we are the majority are everywhere - from box office numbers for "Sound of Freedom", to the successful boycotts of Bud Light, Target, and other woke companies, to the huge crowds who support Trump. However you wouldn't know this by turning on the TV, looking at social media, talking to normies in the street, I'm just curious how it got this way? Did we allow leftists to infiltrate and dominate every institution in this country, from politics, to media, to education, and even corporate America? Or is it possible, that we are not the majority we think we are? Just trying to get a discussion going about this.
Comments (21)
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Because the media isn't representative in any way. This question presumes that the media is designed to serve the audience, but it's not. It's designed to deploy deep state narratives that don't reflect reality and Hammer them home into the audience, delivering the audience as if they were a product to be manufactured. This is why they call it manufacturing consent.
AND that is why ONE should NOT watch TV of any kind and to do the following: "THINK FOR THEMSELVES"...once the TV/movies are turned off the mind returns to normal and one get a sense of calmness...like in the eye of the storm!!!!!!
apologize for Ol' Rocky movie scene!!!!
Well said
Interesting, so the media deploys deep state narratives to the masses (brainwashed NPCs), who in turn believe what the media puts out as reality, thereby manufacturing consent. This also allows the deep state narratives to spread everywhere and cement the belief that they are in the majority. Makes sense.
That explains the media piece, but I think Mary911's comment has helped explain why we are underrepresented in most other institutions in America. Conservatives disengaged years ago and let the left take hold by trying to obtain peace through turning the other cheek, believing that is the way we co-exist with the left, when all it did was leave a vacuum for the enemy to fill with their own tyrants.
Wow, great recap and history lesson! I agree that the father of lies is behind all of this. Ephesians 2:2 talks about satan being the "prince of the air" and my husband and I used to say "prince of the airwaves" since he uses the media as his mouthpiece, to spread lies and misinformation.
It's called Communism
Once you realize everything you see is fake and not at all real, reality will make a lot more sense.
Do not watch TV. Do not read the newspaper. Do not get your news from anywhere except first-hand witnesses you personally know and trust. Nothing is real, everything is fake, and it's probably gay too.
Focus on your family, on your connection with Christ, and read the Bible. Take those actions necessary to secure yourself if there is a massive disaster. No one is coming to save you because you are capable of saving yourself now that you know what is really going on.
There is a trillion dollar effort to manufacture consensus.
The first is true. Infiltration. Not long after the CIA got going, it became the DS central and became more and more left wing over time. The DS/Cabal infiltrated most of the major players, including the church. First they had significant control of who ran for office and then who won. I have been watching the fraud for years. It started at about 3%. It went to 10% with Obama and 15% with Hillary. And still she didn't win. The thought 15% would guarantee the win. In 2020 it went over 25% and they had to add a lot of votes in the dark of night with no body watching to finally push it over the top.
The silent majority has been growing. That is why the cheating had to get bigger and bigger. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has a pretty good video showing the whole thing from a systems perspective. It does have an error though. To the right of the population blob, he should have Trump, operators, alternative information sources and the awakened. The left side bombards with propaganda and the new right bombards with the truth. The right side started small and is growing rapidly. The population will likely follow the standard S curve: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. We are in the early majority and the steep up slope stage.
The left has been working this for over 70 years; with an acceleration in the last few decades. It won't take nearly this long for the right side to win. Trump caused the DS/Cabal, etc. to become enemy combatants. The so called elite are few in number and are mostly soft targets.
Project Mockingbird + a certain group of people run most media. Most online newspapers removed their comments after articles so regular citizens couldn’t dispute the narrative as well. Happened around 2016 or 2017.
as long as we have our beer and sportsball, life is still good. dont worry about all that political nonsense. kek.
We are the people who just wanted to be left alone, to live and raise our children as we saw fit. Most people are like this, but we all have our limits. The purpose of the Great Awakening is to have everyone REACH those limits, to stop being content with the appearance of being left alone. We've allowed ourselves to be lulled into complacency. The silent majority will rise up with one voice and say "no more, this all ends now". After that, it will pnly be a matter of time before future generations are lulled into complacency. It's human nature, and the enemy understands us better than we understand ourselves.
I've heard this before, and I believe this is a big part of what happened. Think of the church over the last 150 years, I remember hearing that pastors were all "fire and brimstone", meaning they primarily focused on how sin will send us to tell, really hit hard on truths. Then over the last 70ish years (post WWII), started focusing primarily on love. The pendulum swung so far in the other direction, I think that's where we get the turn the other cheek belief from, that we are supposed to love our enemies and give them the shirt off our back and whatnot. When in reality, what the church should be teaching is a combination of truth & love. You're starting to see this in churches now, starting to stand up and preach the truth, even if they lose congregants because of it.
In a word what happen is 'MONEY'.
Why we are not BIGGER or YUGE as the Boss would say is because as your final question asks? Maybe we aren't ________________. We must STOP letting them set any gauges or let them POSIT the Narrative and instead Live OUR GODLY LIVES and Follow GOD's Word and VOICE. We shall be given a Trumpet that all can hear and follow and it will be up to the individual to accept just the same as WE ALL MUST ACCEPT JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR.