I know right, the pedophile elite is busy trying to discredit Sound of Freedom and half the conspiracy community is so black pilled that they think a movie that exposes the public to a mild version of the reality of child trafficking is somehow a controlled opposition propaganda film.
The pedophile elite is trying to demonize the real heroes and the black pills are working.
The thing is: it's not even the whole CIA that's a part of this. What's going on is there's an illegal branch of government that is operating on taxpayer dollars using security clearances to hide themselves.
They get a lot of their funding from black budget operations, but they also get a lot of their funding from human trafficking and drug running.
That illegal branch of government that is running in the United States is actually a transnational organization where the branch that has infiltrated the CIA is just that it's only a branch.
The rest of it stems back to high profile, high scale, high-class organized crime. Essentially there is a mafia that is running under the scene and behind the curtain.
Like that's the best way to think about it, there is a mafia that is covertly operating within the government and using government resources as well as illegal resources to fund itself.
But but but ... he is a freemason!!
But but but ... he was funded by some slim guy !!
But but but .. he wants to chip our kids !!
I know right, the pedophile elite is busy trying to discredit Sound of Freedom and half the conspiracy community is so black pilled that they think a movie that exposes the public to a mild version of the reality of child trafficking is somehow a controlled opposition propaganda film.
The pedophile elite is trying to demonize the real heroes and the black pills are working.
The thing is: it's not even the whole CIA that's a part of this. What's going on is there's an illegal branch of government that is operating on taxpayer dollars using security clearances to hide themselves.
They get a lot of their funding from black budget operations, but they also get a lot of their funding from human trafficking and drug running.
That illegal branch of government that is running in the United States is actually a transnational organization where the branch that has infiltrated the CIA is just that it's only a branch.
The rest of it stems back to high profile, high scale, high-class organized crime. Essentially there is a mafia that is running under the scene and behind the curtain.
Like that's the best way to think about it, there is a mafia that is covertly operating within the government and using government resources as well as illegal resources to fund itself.
...it's called the Senior Executive Service
What you're saying makes no sense.
If the Clintons, Biden's etc are all running pedo rings, the CIA is surely higher up the food chain, just below Satan.
George Bush Sr was head of CIA.
fake maga has joined in on the smear campaign of him too
Yep... I'm so disappointed in a lot of people.
Not all of them are controlled opposition though, a lot of this is bad research and black pills.
Well see if they double down and push harder...
If nothing else, this reveals one of two things about the voices you hear online when they go against this:
He is anti-semitic.