
Ab. Vigano (2021), Our Lady in Civitavecchia: “The main message is that they want to destroy the family. And then the apostasy in the Church and the risk of a third world war;" WW3 can be stopped with “love, prayers, humility, the Rosary and true conversion of your hearts to God"
Good Success was pretty damn crazy.
This is the only site I've come across that people actually hate catholics. I'd love to know which denomination they belong to. They dont hate other faiths, they dont hate other christian groups, they only hate catholics. What denomination teaches hatred?
Then they tell you they dont need a church because they read the bible. That only shows they are in more need of a church for guidance (or get another bible) because they dont know Matt 22:36-40.
Youtube hides his official channel. Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rQNankcvXU
If you think about it, great in roads have been made towards destroying the family: the welfare system rewards single mothers; the judicial system almost always sides with mothers; women, LGBQT, persons of color are given preferential hiring over white males; men have become lazier as women go into the work force and are happy to let women be the provider; abortion has been drilled into people as the norm; women are encouraged to take responsibility for birth control-day after pill, abortion, over the counter oral contraceptives approved (so zero value on children or responsibility); marriage rate down. Now the Catholic Church, under the current “pope”, is trying to see how they can be inclusive with women taking an active role, LGBQT individuals being permitted, sweeping pedophilia under the rug, destroying the Latin mass, and cleaning house of any clergy speaking out against the aforementioned. In addition clergy of various denominations have sided with the government pushing certain political stances, encouraging masking and the Covid shot and even joining with the likes of the Soros foundation.
TRY TRY TRY to pray the Rosary daily! You do not have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary, although everyone ought to look into the Catholic faith and consider why it is so heavily attacked by the media, Freemasonry, infiltrated by communist/Zionist Jews (ideological not ethnic) and the FBI...
Pray the Rosary! It's a weapon.
Jesus has his plan. And rosaries arent in it. RCc is an enemy of Jesus. They are just shifting gears because folk are becoming wise to their tricknology. Can evil cast itself out? Hell no. If you know Jesus why are you wasting time on rosary? Not logical.
Francis is a heretic.
In USA we have separation of church and state for a reason. It is not to remove God from the Government. It is to put each ideology in its separate corners.
Both sides demands action. The evil side demands one to kneel and accept and the good side asks for one to kneel and repent.
Those in the middle are going to be in for a very big thing.
This is why they need to destroy the constitution of the USA. many have kneeled to the evil side and forfeited their claim. Many have kneeled to good and prayed for those who forfeited their rights.
The thing these evil fks have done is made the world hate the USA. They are doing this to force us to kneel to their evil.
Will it work? Why would that section “foreign or domestic” be in that — if human nature was not so?
It's not a separation of church and state to keep the ideologies in their separate corners.
It's a separation so that there is no state sponsored and controlled religion like there was in England back in the day.
And that precaution makes sense if you've been following the WEF's conversation about making a new "bible" and "more correct" religion with Ai.
Humanity is made with a God-shaped hole in our hearts - and the founding fathers wanted to keep the government's ability to tamper with that, shut down - as they knew it was a tactic of tyrannical governments (as we're seeing the WEF try to do now).
Nice. When a person has hardened their heart and became reprobate-is this hole still there?
Very complex thing and you understand more than I do. I at times think we are seeing more reprobates than we want to admit.
To abort babies is to me very wrong. To abort babies to those who are reprobate is just another day at the office.
For a Christian to see such and keep their mouth shut in the USA has always been troubling to me. Yep I ignored it just as others and I say they have freedom as it should be.
What is missing is accountability. Consequences.
We have the contrary as a matter of fact. We are to kneel at evil and call it freedom. We call it taking the higher the road.
Put on some wisdom..
The evil side is viewing us all as weak. They are in the open saying if you defend yourself or a loved one you will be punished more than the perpetrator.
When the government is ran by people who are potentially reprobate to Christianity and the sleeping Christian’s say we should follow the laws of the country.
At what point is enough, enough? God raises up people to be with different talents or are we to do nothing and watch the destruction of our children?
Evil is acting while good is eating and saying we are full.
A stirring is happening within the USA culture and this week seems to have some fruit…but it is still talk while the opposition is acting.
No such thing unless you like to be ruled over by rich perverts
Well, well, well...
Catholicism is a false doctrine. Pagan rituals, borderline blaspheming Jesus. Those who are catholic are being led astray by the institution. I pray every catholic walks away from their religion and accept Jesus Christs sacrifice.
Most Catholics are devout Christians who love their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Church has been infiltrated just like all the other institutions in the world. We will continue to be faithful to Him. He promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church and we believe Him. We will remain with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He doesn’t want us divided.
"pagan rituals"
Praying to anyone other than Jesus is pagan. SAD you dont know that. If you dont obey. Jesus truth you dont belong to Him. Catholicism has no place in America
You are wrong
Just remember, there is a reason why most people decide to attack the Catholic Church, why aren’t you saying this about Muslims or Jewish people? Why feel the need to attack the Church?
I don’t care that you don’t believe but it will never cease to amaze me that people on this site will attack their own brothers and sisters. Put aside whatever self consciousness you are experiencing and know we are on your side and worship Jesus only as well, as a matter a fact we were doing it way longer than you guys were.
While I don’t agree with them (being Catholic myself), I think I can provide an answer. Ideas that are almost correct can be seen as more dangerous than ideas that are obviously false, because the latter can be easily rejected, while the former could be the start of a decline in “correctness”.
The only thing I would disagree with you on, is our doctrine is correct and fully shielded by the Truth.
These attacks remind me of this every single day, the thing is though, this is what baffles me is that I am willing to accept anyone who is fighting the same fight as me, whether they are muslim, gay, straight, whatever. If they are against pedophilic masons than that is good enough for me to accept them, though I will never accept the sin but this is the great awakening and humanity must band together. That is what is entirely strange to me, that they don’t feel the same importance as I do.
I don’t think we’re in disagreement at all. What I said is based entirely in the world of someone’s own subjective perceptions and beliefs, regardless of how they relate to the objective truth/Truth.
Got it, I misread then friend. My apologies about that.
Jesus folk dont need to hook up with demons to achieve a victory we already have. We have the Holy Spirit. Demons cant cast out demons. They only hide them. Sin and abomination will never lead to a great awakening
Why is it that, in the bible, God uses the sinful to do great things? What about King David? What about Moses who tried to run? You think they were the perfect believers?
That logic will not get you far, this is the great awakening and it involves everyone. Who knows, maybe many will convert but we still need all who oppose the new world order, together on one side.
They were perfect in their faith in God's righteousness. There is no perfection in flesh whatsoever.
No they weren't. Jonah literally ran away from what God told him to do, you are very wrong, prideful too.
I don't worship the Church, I worship Jesus.
The Church and its doctrine was left by Jesus, if I were worshiping the Church, I wouldn't be here and I would think the pope is perfect, when he is clearly not and is clearly a traitor.
Rome only converted to Christianity in order to turn it into a limited hangout, this is common knowledge. It really is a shitty institution with shitty governance, and much better systems of law are now in place that are more closley aligned with God (the US constitution for one). No one believes that a pope is Gods conduit on earth anymore. The church is an interesting historical relic, but nothing more.
Rome converted to Christianity (Catholicism) due to the battle at the Milvan Bridge, you are entirely wrong on your history.
The Church is more than a relic, the Church embodies what Jesus left for us and it’s Truth survives until this very day and still thriving. We may have been infiltrated but that does not take away from the authority of our doctrine and what Jesus established. Tell me, what other Christian church was established after Jesus’s resurrection?
Basically what you are saying is that, what Jesus left behind for us was not good enough so man could make it better over time. There is no way I will ever leave my home, I have seen what else is around and nothing compares to the Church.
How is it Church worship when the entire Church centers around Jesus?
I know exactly what I am saying, we have been entrusted with the Truth, I don't care that if offends you.
Yup, it does which is why I am apart of it.
The Truth is the Church and the word of God, but do I have to throw a random bible quote to make me credible enough to talk to you? What other Church was established after Christ's resurrection? I could very easily give you quotes on Angels doing simple things that God could very easily do, do you need that? We go off of the word yes but a lot of everything else is common sense. For instance, if Angels are constantly doing jobs for God, can they not protect you if you call upon them? Like a guardian angel? You obviously feel some sort of way, you responded to me. Keep attacking though, that won't stop us from being the first after Jesus, and the last.
My brothers and sisters pray directly to Jesus. Your family prays to dead people. Necromancy is blasphemy. How are you our brothers? Thats silly. You attacked us first when you brought this blasphemy against our Lord And King Jesus Christ.
I don't really know where to begin with a response to this one.
Please stop embarrassing yourself, like I said I don't care whether you believe us or not but do yourself a favor and at least try and understand us. We didn't attack anything or anyone unless you believe the truth was an attack on you? Which is weird, considering we were here before you were. You don't make any sense.
Also read your bible, we are all brothers and sisters. Get over yourself.
You are not my brother if you pray to dead people. Jesus says that in scripture How did you miss that? You know the "brood of vipers" statement. You faking the funk You never read the Gospel
No one, who is in Heaven is dead. They are more alive than you could ever possibly know.
Well, your my brother, even if your not very smart. I am not going to bother correcting you, you will not listen regardless. Good luck on your endeavors though.
This discussion is about Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and His Church and Bride. GOD'S PERFECT SACRIFICE FOR ALL TIME. JESUS IS THE ONLY MEDIATOR between GOD and mankind. Even mary has to bow down to him just as you do. Anything other than Jesus Christ is dust in the wind. Jesus loves you but he will not violate your choice and the consequences of Said choices.
Yup, Mary and all the Saints indeed bow before the Almighty.
You are not telling me anything new, I am not praying to anything or anyone aside from Jesus, we are allowed to ask intercession and prayers from said saints and the mother of God but that's as far as that goes. You are either out of your mind, or are too lazy to understand, but either way I don't really care.
I know the Catholic faith is the one true religion Jesus established and everything else is just an imitation. Nothing you say will change the truth.
Muslims are honest in their opposition to The Christianity doctrine. Catholics are deceitful liars and haters of the true Gospel of Jesus and HIS messengers. Jesus dont lie to His people Popes lie all the time.
If that's what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night than I guess that's on you.
As long as you know we did it first, and that all practices of non-denominational churches stem from the Catholic Church. We did it first, and you all currently imitate us.
Wrong.. Christ's resurrection established the Founding of the WAY. RCC started 300 A.D.
lol no they didn't.
That's a weird cope dude, but lets just say for examples sake, you are correct, Catholicism literally stems directly from Judaism, and the Catholics only ever existed because of Jesus. The Catholics would still be first. The Catholic Church began in 30 A.D.
You can't get passed the truth.
Holy Spirit established in Antioch. 1 AD. The RCc is a European construct to control Euro people. Rcc is Giaia worship for Europeans.
Ok, so again, the Catholic Church is the only ones who came from Jesus's resurrection.
Not sure what exactly your trying to say anymore.
True catholicism is way more in line with God than protestantism or whatever non demomonational corporate crap is here.
If you like being lied to about the actual esoterical side of Christianity, then so be it. But modern non Catholic christianity denies Jesus' miracles and circlejerks Paul above everyone so it is not any better.
Pagan is what THEY label anything actually powerful. Keep that in mind
No it’s not. And I’m not attacking anyone personally on here. I’m firmly against the “church”. It’s built on a lie that is Jesus said “on this rock I shall build my church”… it was taken completely out of context and from that a massive religion was established 500 years after Jesus death and resurrection.
There is NOTHING in the Bible that Mary was a sunless being… matter of fact it says ALL have fallen short of the glory of God.
You are NOT to pray to anyone except the lord God… yet we pray to countless saints, Mary, etc.
There is only ONE mediator between us and God… that is Jesus. Yet we ask Mary to intercede, saints to intercede, and the priests, bishops, pope, cardinals, ALL step between us and the Lord.
It’s insane. The Church only taught the Bible in Latin for centuries and told the populace WE have to tell you what’s in it because it’s too complicated for all to read….
Etc. there are some greed videos out there going into hours of details and quoting scripture.
Catholicism is the whore of babylon. It is a satanic imitation of the Body of Christ . Jesus handpicked Paul to express the superiority of the new Covenant ove4 the old covenant. Thats why you hate Apostle Paul. The most successful nation ever is USA Gospel preaching, Bible Thumping Defeated Catholism and jewry in 1776. No such thing as a Christian catholic or patriot. SAD THING is. JESUS made this very plain and yet you chose to follow the whore. Wow. Your response to His Word is what judges you. Repent and be saved. Jesus dont lie. Popes do. How precious is your soul?
Shove it. Find the door already. You are the one in need of conversion. If you had half of a brain you'd know theres a difference between the religion and the infiltrated institution. Satan only seeks to destroy what's truly of God. You know why a satanic mass is a Catholic mass words said backwards and prayers in reverse? Because Satan tries to pervert that which is of God. The religion established by Christ himself. You sir are still a full blown sheep. GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
No… the religion itself is wrong. check out Mike gendron, Fred Tarsitano, Mike winger. They all have very good series of videos discussing how antithetical catholic religion is to the gospel. They bring the sauce.
I’m not singling out Catholics. Muslims, Judaism… it’s all wrong. Catholicism is wrong for very specific reasons.
The Bible is a Catholic book. You are so far out of your league that it is embarrassing.
The Catholic faith is perfectly aligned with the gospel teachings. It is the Church established by Jesus himself. Who established your church?