Fascinating substack on Ivermectin: "Ivermectin May Defeat Cancer and Other Common Chronic Diseases of Aging - If you think Big Pharma had good reasons to censor ivermectin during COVID-19 how about now when we know it is likely effective against all chronic diseases associated with aging?"
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Does anyone know anyone who has had success with ivermectin with high blood pressure? I recall it being used in Africa to treat high blood pressure but it seems like google has changed some of the results that are returned upon searching.
For high blood pressure take beet capsules and get some NOW Ylang Ylang and rub it over you heart and on the arteries/veins in your neck...sides included...several times a day...I take IVM weekly and used to take lisinprol...but not anymore...not sure if IVM helped...be sure to exercise...best thing to lower BP....possibly start on ashwaganda and astragalus...great adaptogens....
I was actually asking for a relative who has high blood pressure who would prefer to avoid blood pressure medication so this is helpful. Can I ask where are you getting this ashwaganda and astagalus? I have never heard of these but I just searched it on the internet and both immediately say they may lower blood pressure as well as the Ylang Ylang. How many dosages of ivermectin are you taking a week? Thanks.
I take it once a week...used to do twice a week but cut down to one...20guage takes it twice a week....just a regular dose....people dose the same as horses...
I have some Swanson brand...but I like NOW formulations...I just started the because they were so highly recommended by some docs I respect...they agreed these are the 2 most important herbs to take...they are Chinese herbs. ..Ayurvedic tradition...
Take the ashwaganda on an empty stomach...1/2 hour before eating or two hours after eating...
Also I have eaten a beet chew and it drops BP by ten points...just like to know lots of things that lower blood prssure...
How do you take the astagalus? My relative has tried the beets in pill format, the juice, and now the actual fresh ones where he cooks them but his blood pressure is still rising. He is also drinking coconut water which is supposed to lower it as well as eating avocados. I want him to try ivermectin but he is hesitant. I think he will be more willing to try the ashwaganda, astagalus, and the ylang ylang.
I actually eat organic bitter apricot kernels as part of my cancer prevention protocol. I've also always had elevated BP since HS. I was surprised at our companies wellness check that my BP, cholesterol levels were all on the lower side of the normal range, first time that's happened. the only thing I changed was incorporating bitter apricot kernels. I put them in a coffee grinder, then mix a teaspoon in with a couple tablespoons of organic unsweetened applesauce to get them down. roughly 4-5 kernels if you choose to eat them.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know. It sounds like you are eating these raw? May I ask your weight? Did you have any short term or long term side effects? I also remember reading about certain seeds that had warnings of cyanide from amygdalin when looking into cancer treatments last year.
years ago I watched a video about eating apricot kernels, they talked about how the type of cyanide in them and how it attacks cancer cells. basically saying fear mongering trying to scare people that the cyanide in them is dangerous, not true. the video talked about eating 1 kernel per 10lbs of weight eaten throughout the day, or 5 per day for maintenance or prevention. yes, I eat the kernels raw. I also eat other seeds when I eat fruit like watermelon or apples. I truly believe god gave us everything we need to nourish and heal or bodies.
Yes I agree that it is likely used as a deterrent to get people to not consume these products. Borax is another thing that I never tried however I have read a lot of good things about it over the last year or two.
I've heard of it but no concrete evidence yet. Would be interesting to hear more
It works. Used it many times for times whne I felt under the weather. Which isn't often, but IVER takes it right out.
Oh I know it!